Latest Thinking
Customer Acquisition Jonathan Poland

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is the process through which a business attracts and persuades consumers to avail its products or services, thereby…

Market Research 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Market Research

Market research is a fundamental step for business development as it helps businesses understand their market, customers, and competitors better.…

Capital Financing 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Capital Financing

Capital financing is a critical aspect for businesses, particularly when it comes to development and expansion. It involves raising funds…

Exit Planning 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Exit Planning

Exit planning is a comprehensive strategy for business owners to transition out of their company on their terms. It involves…

Talent Development 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Talent Development

Talent development is a critical aspect of organizational growth and improvement, and it focuses on the processes, strategies, and practices…

Inventory 150 150 Jonathan Poland


Understanding inventory is crucial for the successful operation of many businesses. Inventory is a broad area with many facets, and…

Manufacturing 150 150 Jonathan Poland


Manufacturing is a critical phase in business development, especially for companies that produce physical goods. The synergies between manufacturing and…

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) Jonathan Poland

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)

Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) refers to a special classification of stock in the United States that offers significant tax…

Gold is Money Jonathan Poland

Gold is Money

Overview The history of gold as money spans thousands of years and has played a pivotal role in the economic…

Content Database

Modular Products Jonathan Poland

Modular Products

Modular products are products that are made up of standardized, interchangeable parts or modules that can be easily assembled and…

Refinancing Risk Jonathan Poland

Refinancing Risk

Refinancing risk is the risk that a borrower will be unable to secure new debt to replace an existing debt…

User Intent Jonathan Poland

User Intent

User intent refers to the goal or objective that a person has in mind at a given moment. Modeling user…

What is Reliability? Jonathan Poland

What is Reliability?

Reliability is a measure of the ability of a product or service to perform consistently and predictably over time. It…

Customary Pricing Jonathan Poland

Customary Pricing

Customary pricing refers to the pricing practices that are considered typical or normal in a particular industry or market. This…

Corrective Action Plan Jonathan Poland

Corrective Action Plan

A corrective action plan is a process designed to identify and address problems or issues within an organization. It involves…

Willingness to Pay Jonathan Poland

Willingness to Pay

Willingness to pay (WTP) is a measure of how much a customer is willing to pay for a product or…

Sales Quota Jonathan Poland

Sales Quota

A sales quota is a target for the revenue or units sold that a sales department, team, or individual is…

Revenue Management Jonathan Poland

Revenue Management

Revenue management is the practice of using data analytics to optimize sales and maximize revenue for a business. This can…