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Service Level Objective Jonathan Poland

Service Level Objective

An service level objective (SLO) is a standard used to measure the performance of a business or technology service. These…

Specifications Jonathan Poland


A specification is a detailed description of the requirements or procedures that are necessary to implement or carry out a…

User Story Jonathan Poland

User Story

A user story is a concise description of a specific expectation or need that a user has for a product,…

Time To Value Jonathan Poland

Time To Value

Overview Time to Value (TTV) is a business concept that refers to the period it takes for a customer to…

Local Marketing Jonathan Poland

Local Marketing

Local marketing refers to any marketing strategy that targets customers in a specific, finely-grained location, such as a city or…

Cultural Norms Jonathan Poland

Cultural Norms

A cultural norm is a shared belief or behavior that is considered to be acceptable or appropriate within a particular…

Business Transformation Jonathan Poland

Business Transformation

Business transformation is the process of fundamentally changing the way an organization operates in order to achieve significant improvements in…

Organization 101 Jonathan Poland

Organization 101

A business organization is a group of individuals or entities that come together to pursue a common business goal or…

Practical Thinking Jonathan Poland

Practical Thinking

Practical thinking is a type of thinking that focuses on finding timely and reasonable solutions to problems. This type of…

Content Database

Creative Services Jonathan Poland

Creative Services

Creative services refer to a range of services that involve the use of creativity and innovative thinking. These services often…

Customer Expectations Jonathan Poland

Customer Expectations

Customer expectations refer to the base assumptions that customers make about a brand, its products and services, and the overall…

What is the Snob Effect? Jonathan Poland

What is the Snob Effect?

The snob effect refers to the phenomenon of a brand losing its prestige and exclusivity as it becomes more widely…

Continuous Production Jonathan Poland

Continuous Production

Continuous production is a method of manufacturing in which materials and parts are continuously processed and kept in motion or…

Marketing Theories Jonathan Poland

Marketing Theories

Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research,…

What is Cost Overrun? Jonathan Poland

What is Cost Overrun?

A cost overrun occurs when the actual cost of completing a task or project exceeds the budget that was allocated…

Disruption Strategy Jonathan Poland

Disruption Strategy

A distribution strategy outlines how a company plans to make its products or services available to customers. This includes not…

Employee Costs Jonathan Poland

Employee Costs

Employee costs refer to all of the expenses that are incurred when hiring and employing an individual. These costs go…

Customer Experience 101 Jonathan Poland

Customer Experience 101

Customer experience (CX) refers to the overall experience that a customer has with a company or brand, from their initial…