Building Trust

Building Trust

Building Trust Jonathan Poland

To build trust, it is necessary to engage in ongoing behavior that helps people trust you. In general, people tend to trust those they know well and admire. Therefore, getting to know people well is the key to building trust. In a business setting, this means being visible and actively involved. The third component of trust, admirable behavior, varies depending on the situation. For example, you might trust a surfer for their skill and bravery, or you might trust your accountant for their professionalism and attention to detail. Building trust is not a single skill, but rather a combination of various character traits and talents.

Trust is related to social status, social proof and reputation. For example, an employer may trust a new hire who is well known in their industry. People like and trust people who like and trust them. As such, traits such as openness, optimism and a trusting nature tend to generate trust. It is rare for highly distrustful people to enjoy much trust themselves. Building trust often benefits from restraint and self-control. Building trust is a slow process of cultivation that can be damaged in a moment. For example, people who are prone to emotional outbursts or a cruel wit may have trouble building trust.

The following is a list of habits that tend to build trust.

  • Accountability
  • Accuracy
  • Ambition
  • Authenticity
  • Bravery
  • Rapport
  • Calmness
  • Candor
  • Charisma
  • Commitment
  • Communication
  • Competence
  • Conviction
  • Coolness
  • Credibility
  • Diligence
  • Dutiful
  • Engagement
  • Flexible
  • Generosity
  • Helpfulness
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Humor
  • Impartial
  • Inventive
  • Involvement
  • Kindness
  • Leadership
  • Likeable
  • Loyal
  • Making/Keeping Commitments
  • Openness
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Peaceful
  • Personal Presence
  • Politeness
  • Practical
  • Pragmatic
  • Productivity
  • Professionalism
  • Refinement
  • Reliability
  • Resilience
  • Respectful
  • Responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Restraint
  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Control
  • Self-Direction
  • Sociability
  • Storytelling
  • Strength
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Trusting
  • Unaffectedness
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