Brand Experience

Brand Experience

Brand Experience Jonathan Poland

Brand experience refers to the overall perception and feelings that a consumer has while interacting with a brand. It includes all of the sensory, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses that a consumer has to a brand, and it encompasses the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to purchase and beyond.

There are several factors that contribute to brand experience:

  1. Brand design: This includes the visual elements of a brand, such as its logo, packaging, and website design. These elements help to create a visual identity and impact the overall brand experience.
  2. Brand messaging: The messaging and content that a brand uses in its marketing efforts can shape the brand experience. Clear, consistent, and authentic messaging can create a positive brand experience, while confusing or inauthentic messaging can create a negative experience.
  3. Brand interactions: The way that a brand interacts with customers, including through customer service, social media, and other channels, can impact the brand experience. Personalized and responsive interactions can create a positive brand experience, while impersonal or unresponsive interactions can create a negative experience.
  4. Brand touchpoints: These are the various points of contact that a customer has with a brand, including through advertising, social media, in-store experiences, and more. A seamless and consistent experience across all touchpoints can create a positive brand experience, while a disjointed or inconsistent experience can create a negative experience.

Overall, brand experience is the overall perception and feelings that a consumer has while interacting with a brand. It is shaped by a range of factors, including brand design, messaging, interactions, and touchpoints, and it can have a significant impact on a brand’s ability to build customer loyalty and drive sales. The following are common elements of brand experience.

Brand Awareness
The process of becoming familiar with a brand such as a fashion enthusiast who reads about a new designer brand in a fashion blog.

Visual Branding
Becoming familiar with a brand’s visual symbols.

Brand Image
A customer’s view of the identity of a brand. Brands often work to shape their image with marketing messages, storytelling and brand promise.

Brand Culture
The culture that evolves around a brand. For example, a brand of shoes that becomes popular within a subculture or super culture. In many cases, your customers and employees shape your brand without regard to your brand strategy.

Brand Reputation
The behavior of your firm and its impact on brand perceptions. This includes how well you treat customers, employees, the environment and the communities in which you operate.

Brand Legacy
The history of a brand. For example, a customer who feels nostalgia for your brand because they remember it from their youth.

Customer Service
Human interactions between you and the customer are a primary element of brand experience. Generally speaking, respectful, diligent service adds to brand experience. A poor customer service interaction can cause a customer to completely abandon a brand.

Product Design
The design of products and services including how well they fulfill customer needs and suit customer preferences.

The design and operation of physical environments such as a hotel lobby and digital environments such as a website. For example, a customer who feels a sense of enthusiasm for a brand after visiting its flagship location.

Customer perceptions of quality. For example, a bank website that is often exceedingly slow can cause a customer to feel the bank is unstable and unreliable.

Customer perceptions of marketing messages.

Customer perceptions of pricing. For example, an internet provider with flat rate predictable prices and easy to read bills may generate positive word of mouth and brand loyalty.

Brand Authenticity
A company that lives its mission and vision such that customers believe in its brand promise. For example, a snowboarding brand where employees are all avid snowboarders who want to make awesome snowboards.

Brand Architecture
The use of a brand name on a variety of products. A brand can become less valuable if it is overextended such that customers become confused about its identity or begin to doubt the brand’s authenticity or status.

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