Objection Handling

Objection Handling

Objection Handling Jonathan Poland

Objection handling is the practice of addressing and overcoming concerns or hesitations that customers may have about making a purchase. When a customer expresses an objection, they may be seeking additional information or reassurance, or they may be trying to negotiate a better deal. The goal of objection handling is to reduce the customer’s concerns and move them closer to making a purchase. This may involve providing additional information, addressing specific concerns, or addressing underlying objections. By effectively handling objections, salespeople can help convert interested prospects into paying customers.

Anticipating objections is a strategy that involves predicting the concerns or objections that people may have to a proposal and planning a response in advance. In some cases, this strategy may involve framing a proposal in a way that is likely to generate an objection that is easy to overcome. For example, a salesperson might pitch a product or service at a high price, knowing that the customer is likely to object to the cost. The salesperson can then offer a discount or other concession to address the objection and make the customer feel like they have successfully negotiated a better deal. The goal of anticipating objections is to increase the chances of closing a sale by addressing potential concerns before they become roadblocks.

The following are common objection handling techniques.

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