Business Strategy Examples

Business Strategy Examples

Business Strategy Examples Jonathan Poland

A business strategy refers to a long-term plan that outlines the future direction of a company and how it will use its resources to achieve its goals. Factors that influence the development of business strategies include competition, technological changes, and market trends. There are various types of business strategies that can be implemented, such as product, pricing, promotion, distribution, technology, and management strategies. These strategies help a business to differentiate itself from its competitors and achieve a competitive advantage in the market. The following are common types of business strategy.

Strategy Basics
Basic strategy considerations.

  • Business Goals
  • Business Objectives
  • Cost Strategy
  • Critical Success Factors
  • Point Of No Return
  • Strategic Communication
  • Strategic Drivers
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Vision
  • Strategy Monitoring
  • Strategy Risk
  • Tactics
  • Types Of Strategy

Competitive Advantage
Establishing valuable positions that your competitors can’t match.

  • Bargaining Power
  • Business Scale
  • Cost Advantage
  • Digital Maturity
  • Distinctive Capability
  • Economies Of Scale
  • Information Asymmetry
  • Know-how
  • Price Leadership
  • Relative Advantage
  • Strategic Advantage

Strategic Thinking
The ability to achieve goals in an environment of constraints and competition.

  • Capability Analysis
  • Concrete Goals
  • Organizational Resilience
  • Organizing Principle
  • Productive Assumptions
  • Strategic Dominance
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Systems Thinking
  • Thought Experiment

Generic Strategies
Basic strategies that aren’t specific to a domain.

  • Business Of Impermanence
  • Camping Strategy
  • Cut And Run
  • Do Nothing Strategy
  • Economic Moat
  • Embrace, Extend And Extinguish
  • Win-Win

Business Models
Strategies for capturing value that serve as the basis for a business.

  • Added Value
  • Arbitrage
  • Bespoke
  • Bricks And Clicks
  • Club Goods
  • Collective Business System
  • Complementary Goods
  • Consumer Collective
  • Cutting Out The Middleman
  • Designer Label
  • Long Tail
  • Market Maker
  • Product-as-a-Service
  • Razor And Blades
  • Two Sided Market

Market Research
Analysis of target markets and customers.

  • Business Environment
  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Customer Analysis
  • Marketing Experimentation
  • Target Market
  • Test Marketing
  • Voice Of The Customer

Marketing Strategy
Strategies for product, pricing, promotion, advertising and distribution.

  • Advertising Strategy
  • Algorithmic Pricing
  • Branding
  • Business Development
  • Channel Strategy
  • Communication Strategy
  • Customer Service
  • Distribution Strategy
  • Market Development
  • Marketing Economics
  • Mass Customization
  • Positioning
  • Price Discrimination
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Product Strategy
  • Promotion Strategy
  • Sales Strategy

Technology Strategy
Strategies related to technology products or internal information technology functions.

  • Decision Automation
  • Decision Support
  • Digital Transformation
  • Gamification
  • Information Visualization
  • Integration
  • Knowledge Management
  • Modernization
  • Process Automation
  • Process Improvement
  • Process Integration
  • Process Orchestration
  • Self Service
  • Service Management
  • Statistical Analysis

Management Strategy
Strategies related to directing and controlling organizations.

  • Action Items
  • Benchmarking
  • Best Practice
  • Business Transformation
  • Capability Management
  • Change Management
  • Delegation
  • Facilitation
  • Goal Setting
  • Job Rotation
  • Management By Exception
  • Preventive Action
  • Principles
  • Process Reengineering
  • Risk Management
  • Target Operating Model
  • Turnaround Strategy

Cost Reduction
Eliminating waste and improving productivity.

  • Automation
  • Complexity Cost
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Productivity
  • Retrenchment
  • Technical Efficiency

Innovation Strategy
Strategies for inventing significant new value.

  • Creativity Of Constraints
  • Design Thinking
  • Fail Often
  • Fail Well
  • Innovation Culture
  • Prototypes
  • Ship Often

Intellectual Property
Developing creative works, inventions and brand symbols.

  • Defensive Publication
  • Inventive Step
  • Trade Dress
  • Trade Secrets

Organizational Structure
The design of organizations.

  • Core Business
  • Core Competency
  • Line Of Business
  • Mergers
  • Restructuring
  • Strategic Partnership
  • Structure Follows Strategy
  • Vertical Integration

Strategy Failure
Common patterns of strategy failure.

  • Creeping Failure
  • Failure Of Imagination
  • Measurement Balance
  • Plateau Effect
  • Pyrrhic Victory
  • Resistance To Change
  • Technology As Magic
  • Unknown Risks
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