Business verbs are action words that are commonly used in business communication to describe goals, plans, and achievements. These verbs are used in pitches for new businesses, job descriptions, resumes, and interviews, and can help to make business communication more meaningful and engaging. Using specific and action-oriented verbs in business communication can help to convey a sense of direction and purpose, and can make your message more memorable and compelling. By choosing the right verbs, you can effectively communicate your goals and plans, and inspire others to take action.
250+ business verbs include:
Accelerate | Accomplish |
Accumulate | Achieve |
Acquire | Administer |
Advance | Advise |
Advocate | Aim |
Align | Amplify |
Analyze | Appoint |
Appraise | Arrange |
Assemble | Assess |
Assign | Attain |
Audit | Authorize |
Balance | Begin |
Benchmark | Boost |
Bridge | Broaden |
Budget | Build |
Calculate | Chair |
Challenge | Change |
Clarify | Classify |
Clear | Close |
Coach | Collaborate |
Collect | Communicate |
Compare | Compile |
Complete | Compose |
Compute | Conceive |
Conduct | Connect |
Consolidate | Construct |
Contract | Control |
Convert | Convince |
Coordinate | Create |
Critique | Cultivate |
Customize | Decide |
Delegate | Deliver |
Demonstrate | Deploy |
Describe | Design |
Detect | Determine |
Develop | Devise |
Diagnose | Direct |
Discover | Dispatch |
Diversify | Document |
Draft | Draw Up |
Earn | Edit |
Eliminate | Empower |
Encourage | End |
Enforce | Engineer |
Enhance | Enlarge |
Enrich | Establish |
Estimate | Evaluate |
Evolve | Examine |
Execute | Expand |
Expedite | Explain |
Explore | Extract |
Facilitate | Find |
Fix | Forecast |
Forge | Form |
Formulate | Frame |
Gather | Generate |
Govern | Grow |
Guide | Handle |
Identify | Ignite |
Illustrate | Impact |
Implement | Improve |
Influence | Inform |
Initiate | Innovate |
Inspect | Inspire |
Instruct | Integrate |
Interpret | Interview |
Introduce | Invent |
Invest | Investigate |
Issue | Iterate |
Launch | Lead |
Learn | Link |
List | Maintain |
Make | Manage |
Market | Maximize |
Measure | Mediate |
Minimize | Model |
Modify | Monitor |
Motivate | Move |
Network | Observe |
Obtain | Operate |
Organize | Originate |
Outline | Outpace |
Outperform | Overhaul |
Oversee | Partner |
Persuade | Pioneer |
Pitch | Plan |
Position | Prepare |
Prevent | Proceed |
Process | Produce |
Program | Promote |
Propose | Prototype |
Publish | Purchase |
Push | Qualify |
Quantify | Raise |
Reach | Realign |
Recommend | Reconcile |
Record | Recruit |
Redevelop | Reduce |
Reevaluate | Refine |
Refuse | Reimagine |
Reinvent | Remodel |
Remove | Reorganize |
Repair | Replace |
Report | Represent |
Research | Resolve |
Restore | Retrieve |
Revamp | Review |
Revise | Revolutionize |
Run | Scale |
Schedule | Screen |
Search | Select |
Separate | Set |
Set Up | Showcase |
Simplify | Solicit |
Solve | Specify |
Standardize | Start |
Strategize | Streamline |
Structure | Study |
Summarize | Supervise |
Support | Surpass |
Survey | Systematize |
Target | Track |
Train | Transfer |
Transform | Transition |
Unify | Upgrade |
Validate | Verify |
Win |