Design Quality

Design Quality

Design Quality Jonathan Poland

Design quality refers to the value that a design holds for customers. It is a critical factor in the success of a product, service, or experience, as it directly impacts the satisfaction and loyalty of customers. There are several ways in which design quality can be achieved. One is by focusing on usability, which involves ensuring that a design is intuitive and easy to use. This can be achieved through user-centered design principles, such as conducting user research, prototyping, and testing to understand the needs and preferences of target customers.

Another aspect of design quality is aesthetics, which refers to the visual appeal of a design. Aesthetically pleasing designs can create a positive emotional response in customers, which can increase their satisfaction and loyalty.

In addition, design quality can be enhanced by considering the functionality of a design, which refers to its ability to perform the tasks it was intended to do effectively and efficiently. This can be achieved through careful planning and attention to detail in the design process. Overall, design quality is an essential element of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and businesses that prioritize it can gain a competitive advantage in their market. By focusing on usability, aesthetics, and functionality, businesses can create designs that meet the needs and expectations of their customers, resulting in higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty.

Functionality & Features

Functionality that serves customer needs and meets customer expectations. Another factor in design quality is avoiding features that customers find annoying. In many cases, products with few features can be perceived as higher quality than a product packed with features.


The operational characteristics of a design such as the conversion efficiency of solar panels.


A design that is pleasing to use.


A design that is equally useful for everyone.


A pleasing look and feel.


Designs that endure real world conditions over time.


Designs that work as people expect. For example, if a user interface requires training to use it may be poorly designed.


Consistency such as a user interface with the same controls on every page.


Designs that are error free.

Fault Tolerance

The ability to continue in a reasonable way when an error occurs. For example, an aircraft that doesn’t suddenly halt and catch fire every time an error occurs.

Safety & Security

Designing things for safety and security. For example, transportation systems designed to reduce human error.


A design that is reusable and extensible. For example, a mobile device that allows memory to be upgraded as opposed to requiring a completely new device when you need more capacity.

Communications & Packaging

Packaging and communications such as as instructions. Packaging has a significant impact on quality perceptions. In many cases, packaging such as a reusable shoe bag can be considered a feature.


Intangible elements of quality such as a business tool that is as engaging as a game.

Emotional Durability

A design that people value at an emotional level such that they don’t easily throw it out. For example, a bicycle that is worth fixing when it breaks.


The overall sophistication and elegance of a design. For example, a cosmetic product that is effective with just three natural ingredients might be viewed as more refined than a product with 50 chemicals.

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