Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture Jonathan Poland

Organizational culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and symbols that characterize an organization and differentiate it from others. It is the foundation upon which an organization is built and shapes the way in which it operates and interacts with stakeholders. Organizational culture can be a source of competitive advantage or disadvantage, depending on how it aligns with the needs and expectations of customers and employees. A positive and cohesive culture can foster collaboration, innovation, and customer satisfaction, while a negative or misaligned culture can undermine productivity and morale. Therefore, it is important for organizations to actively cultivate and manage their culture to ensure that it supports their business goals and objectives. The following are common techniques and considerations that can be used to develop or change an organizational culture.

The manner and method of getting people moving in the same direction.

  • Heliotropic Effect
  • Humble Leadership
  • Influencing
  • Leadership Challenges
  • Leadership Style
  • Management By Absence
  • Management By Walking Around
  • Nudge Theory
  • Prioritization
  • Shadow Of The Leader
  • Storytelling
  • Strong Culture

The basic architecture of the organization.

  • Authority
  • Bureaucracy
  • Business Principles
  • Capability Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Decision Making
  • Goal Setting
  • Management
  • Matrix Management
  • Organizational Capital
  • Organizational Complexity
  • Organizing Principle
  • Performance Management
  • Satellite Office
  • Self-Organizing Team
  • Team Culture

Strategy & Identity
Shared purpose, mission, identity and direction.

  • Corporate Identity
  • Corporate Image
  • Corporate Narcissism
  • Digital Maturity
  • Epic Meaning
  • Ethics
  • Internal Branding
  • Mission
  • Organizational Resilience
  • Situational Awareness
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Vision

Openness and aggressiveness of change. Some organizations are unable to change due to resistance driven by fierce defense of the status quo.

  • Bias For Action
  • Change Fatigue
  • Reactance
  • Resistance To Change
  • Trained Incapacity

How information is created, shared and used.

  • Anti-Information
  • Corporate Memory
  • Dispersed Knowledge
  • Knowledge Loss
  • Knowledge Waste
  • Lessons Learned
  • Types of Knowledge

Creativity & Innovation
Experimentation and pursuit of brave ideas to create industries and make existing products irrelevant.

  • Catfish Management
  • Creativity Of Constraints
  • Divergent Thinking
  • Fail Well
  • Failing Upwards
  • Greenfield
  • Innovation Principles
  • Preserving Ambiguity

What drives your team.

  • Curiosity Drive
  • Fear Of Missing Out
  • Internalization
  • Intrinsic Motivation
  • Locus Of Control
  • Morale
  • Motivated Reasoning
  • Peak Experiences
  • Pull
  • Push
  • Work Ethic

Norms & Expectations
Norms of office politics and productivity.

  • Culture Fit
  • Culture Of Fear
  • Employee Behavior
  • Employee Expectations
  • Ethical Climate
  • Failure Is Not An Option
  • Flow
  • Genchi Genbutsu
  • Groupthink
  • Internal Environment
  • Malicious Compliance
  • Negative Selection
  • Petty Authority
  • Political Correctness
  • Professional Conduct
  • Professionalism
  • Red Tape
  • Social Proof
  • Teamwork
  • Tolerance For Disagreement
  • Unspoken Rule

Happiness & Fulfillment
The extent to which employees feel their career has meaning and that it contributes to their quality of life.

  • Boreout
  • Cosmopolitanism
  • Disability Etiquette
  • Employee Dissatisfaction
  • Happiness Index
  • Hygiene Factors
  • Peak Experiences
  • Quality Of Life
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Working Conditions
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