Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues Jonathan Poland

Human activities have caused many environmental problems that are harmful to ecosystems, quality of life, and health. These issues have emerged rapidly over the past two centuries, a relatively short time frame compared to the history of the earth. Many of these issues are growing exponentially or hyperbolically, meaning they are increasing at a rapid rate and pose an existential risk. Here is a list of 20 environmental issues that are of concern today:

  • Climate change
  • Deforestation
  • Biodiversity loss
  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Soil degradation
  • Overfishing
  • Ocean acidification
  • Invasive species
  • Pesticide and fertilizer runoff
  • Acid rain
  • Ozone depletion
  • Depletion of natural resources
  • Habitat destruction
  • Land use change
  • Wetland destruction
  • Water scarcity
  • Soil erosion
  • Invasive species
  • Noise pollution
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