
Infrastructure Operations

The Infrastructure Operations industry is concerned with the maintenance, management, and construction of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, airports, and utilities. Key points of the industry include:

  • Infrastructure operations are essential for the smooth functioning of society.
  • The industry involves a wide range of activities, including planning, design, construction, maintenance, and repair of infrastructure.
  • Infrastructure operations companies may be involved in the management of public or private infrastructure.
  • The industry is often capital-intensive, with large amounts of money invested in equipment and technology.
  • Infrastructure operations can have a significant impact on the environment, and companies in the industry must consider sustainability and conservation in their operations.
Top Companies
  • Arcosa, Inc.
  • CH2M
  • Kiewit Corporation
  • Parsons Corporation
  • SNC-Lavalin Group
  • TRC Companies
  • URS Corporation

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Marketing Theories Jonathan Poland

Marketing Theories

Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research,…

What is an Intermediary? Jonathan Poland

What is an Intermediary?

An intermediary is a person or organization that acts as a go-between or intermediary for two or more parties in…

Quality Objectives Jonathan Poland

Quality Objectives

Quality objectives are specific, measurable targets that organizations set in order to improve the quality of their products or services.…

Knowledge Value Jonathan Poland

Knowledge Value

Knowledge value is the value that is derived from knowledge, skills, and information. It can be a measure of the…

Dispute Risk Jonathan Poland

Dispute Risk

Dispute risk refers to the potential for a disagreement or conflict to arise in a business context, resulting in negative…

Continuous Process Jonathan Poland

Continuous Process

A continuous process is a series of steps that are designed to be executed concurrently, meaning that all the steps…

Switching Barriers Jonathan Poland

Switching Barriers

Switching barriers are factors that make it difficult or inconvenient for customers to switch from one product or service to…

Continuous Improvement Jonathan Poland

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is a systematic approach to improving products, services, and processes over time. It involves a cycle of planning,…

Operations Plan Jonathan Poland

Operations Plan

An operations plan is a document that outlines the steps a business will take to establish, improve, or expand its…