Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research, developing products and services, building a brand, setting prices, promoting the business, and distributing products to customers.
Marketing theories are principles and ideas that guide these activities, and they are often based on research and data. Some marketing theories are commonly used in the field, while others may be considered more unusual or specialized. Overall, marketing theories help businesses understand how to effectively reach and engage with their customers.
The following is a list of marketing theories…
Above The Line
Active Silence
Added Value
Attention Economics
Bargaining Power
Behavioral Targeting
Below The Line
Benchmark Price
Bliss Point
Brand Awareness
Brand Culture
Brand Recognition
Bricks And Clicks
Buyer Persona
Call To Action
Channel Conflict
Choice Architecture
Club Theory
Competitive Market
Competitive Parity
Complementary Goods
Complex Sales
Customer Journey
Decoy Effect
Economies Of Scale
Economies Of Scope
Experience Economy
Fear Of Missing Out
First-Mover Advantage
Hard Selling
Inferior Good
Long Tail
Market Position
Market Price
Market Saturation
Mere Exposure Effect
Message Framing
Nudge Theory
Peak Experiences
Penetration Pricing
Perfect Competition
Predatory Pricing
Price Discrimination
Price Points
Price Sensitivity
Price Skimming
Price Umbrella
Pricing Power
Product Diffusion
Relative Price
Sales Objections
Scarcity Marketing
Selling Points
Sensory Analysis
Serviceable Available Market
Six Degrees Of Separation
Soft Selling
Sticky Prices
Substitution Price
Target Audience
Target Market
Through The Line
Top Of Mind
Visual Merchandising