Marketing Theories

Marketing Theories

Marketing Theories Jonathan Poland

Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research, developing products and services, building a brand, setting prices, promoting the business, and distributing products to customers.

Marketing theories are principles and ideas that guide these activities, and they are often based on research and data. Some marketing theories are commonly used in the field, while others may be considered more unusual or specialized. Overall, marketing theories help businesses understand how to effectively reach and engage with their customers.

The following is a list of marketing theories…

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Research Types Jonathan Poland

Research Types

Research is the process of systematically seeking and interpreting knowledge through inquiry, observation, experimentation, and analysis. It is a way…

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Industrial Internet of Things

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Risk Monitoring Jonathan Poland

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Performance Metrics Jonathan Poland

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics, also known as key performance indicators (KPIs), are measurable values that organizations use to evaluate their progress towards…

Industrial Internet of Things Jonathan Poland

Industrial Internet of Things

Industrial IoT describes the ecosystem of devices, sensors, applications, and associated networking equipment that work together to collect, monitor, and analyze data across industrial operations.

Operating Model Jonathan Poland

Operating Model

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Needs Identification

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Employee Benefits

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Channel Structure

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Strategic Risk

Strategy risk refers to the potential for losses resulting from the implementation of a particular strategy. All strategies carry some…

Hyperinflation Jonathan Poland


Hyperinflation is a situation in which there is a rapid and significant increase in the price of goods and services,…

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Value Pricing

Value pricing is a pricing strategy in which a company sets its prices based on the perceived value that its…