Original Equipment Manufacturer

Original Equipment Manufacturer

Original Equipment Manufacturer Jonathan Poland

An OEM (original equipment manufacturer) is a company that produces parts or equipment that is used in the manufacture of another company’s products. OEMs typically produce components or subsystems that are then integrated into the final product by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). OEMs can be found in a variety of industries, including automotive, electronics, and medical equipment. OEMs are different from aftermarket manufacturers, who produce replacement parts or accessories for products that have already been sold to consumers.

A software company that makes an operating system for computers and mobile devices.

Auto Parts
A manufacture of tires that are mostly sold on new vehicles.

A maker of big construction or farming equipment

A popular brand of car stereo that are offered as standard or optional equipment on vehicles.

A brand of solar panels that are offered by a builder of new homes.

A brand of zippers that are included in the products of other fashion brands.

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Physical Capital Jonathan Poland

Physical Capital

Physical capital refers to the tangible assets that are used to produce goods and services. This term is commonly used…

Product Experience Jonathan Poland

Product Experience

Product experience refers to the overall value that a product or service provides to customers based on their perceptions as…

Domain Knowledge Jonathan Poland

Domain Knowledge

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Business Scale Jonathan Poland

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Media Infrastructure Jonathan Poland

Media Infrastructure

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Public Relations Jonathan Poland

Public Relations

Public relations (PR) refers to the practice of managing the spread of information between an organization and its stakeholders. The…

Brand Experience Jonathan Poland

Brand Experience

Brand experience refers to the overall perception and feelings that a consumer has while interacting with a brand. It includes…

Praxeology Jonathan Poland


Praxeology is the study of human action, particularly as it pertains to decision-making and the pursuit of goals. The term…

Human Capital Jonathan Poland

Human Capital

Human capital refers to the future productive potential of people, which is often difficult to estimate directly. Instead, it is…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Cost Innovation Jonathan Poland

Cost Innovation

Cost innovation is the practice of finding ways to significantly improve value while reducing costs. This can be achieved through…

Operations 101 Jonathan Poland

Operations 101

Business operations refer to the processes and activities that are involved in the production of goods and services in an…

Attribution Marketing Jonathan Poland

Attribution Marketing

Attribution marketing is the practice of identifying and analyzing the key events or actions that contribute to customer purchases or…

BATNA Jonathan Poland


BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement, is the course of action that a party in a negotiation would…

Collective Intelligence Jonathan Poland

Collective Intelligence

Collective intelligence refers to the ability of a group to solve problems, make decisions, and generate new ideas more effectively…

Examples of Tact Jonathan Poland

Examples of Tact

Tact is the ability to sensitively and skillfully handle a situation or conversation so as to avoid giving offense. It…

Fourth Industrial Revolution Jonathan Poland

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, refers to the current transformation of the economy towards the widespread…

Analysis Paralysis Jonathan Poland

Analysis Paralysis

Analysis paralysis, also known as “paralysis by analysis,” is a phenomenon that occurs when individuals or groups become so focused…

Forward Thinking Jonathan Poland

Forward Thinking

Forward thinking is the ability to anticipate and prepare for future events and trends in order to make informed and…