Tactical Planning

Tactical Planning

Tactical Planning Jonathan Poland

Tactical planning is the process of developing specific strategies and actions to achieve the objectives of an organization. It involves identifying the resources, tasks, and milestones required to implement a plan and execute it successfully.

Tactical planning typically occurs at a lower level of an organization, and it focuses on the details of how to implement a strategy. It is often seen as the bridge between strategic planning, which determines the overall direction of an organization, and operational planning, which focuses on the day-to-day activities required to execute the plan.

There are several steps involved in tactical planning:

  1. Define the objectives: The first step in tactical planning is to clearly define the objectives that the organization is trying to achieve. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  2. Determine the resources needed: Next, it is important to identify the resources that will be required to achieve the objectives, including people, equipment, budget, and time.
  3. Develop the plan: Based on the objectives and resources, the organization can develop a detailed plan outlining the specific tasks and milestones required to execute the strategy.
  4. Implement the plan: The next step is to put the plan into action and begin executing the tasks and activities identified in the plan. This may involve coordinating with different teams and departments within the organization.
  5. Monitor and adjust: It is important to regularly monitor the progress of the plan and make adjustments as needed. This may involve reassessing the resources and tasks required to achieve the objectives and adjusting the plan accordingly.

Tactical planning is an essential part of the strategic planning process, as it helps organizations to translate their long-term goals into specific actions and achieve their objectives.

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