Team Management

Team Management

Team Management Jonathan Poland

Team management involves directing and controlling an organizational unit. Some common team management functions include setting goals and objectives, assigning tasks and responsibilities, providing support and resources, and evaluating performance. For example, a team manager might set goals for a project, assign tasks to team members, provide support and resources to help them complete their tasks, and evaluate their performance to ensure that the project is on track. Overall, team management involves coordinating and overseeing the activities of a team in order to achieve the unit’s goals and objectives.


Recruiting team members. Performed more than 70 interviews to successfully recruit three team members who were in high demand.


Onboarding new team members to ensure they are quickly productive. Developed onboarding materials and delivered a series of information sessions and welcome events for new team members.


Developing a strategy to achieve a team’s mission and goals. Developed a strategy to cut costs related to legacy systems by 18%.

Goal Setting

Developing team objectives and negotiating individual performance objectives with each member of your team. Developed annual team objectives and gained acceptance for these goals from stakeholders on the executive team. Set goals with each member of the team that aligned to team objectives and the career aspirations of each individual contributor.

Performance Management

Managing the performance of a team including regular feedback and formal performance reviews. Managed the performance review and feedback process for a team of 19 software developers.

Training & Development

Developing the talents of your team. Developed the talents of team members with challenging assignments, training and mentoring. This allowed 5 junior developers to progress to senior roles and 2 senior members to progress to management roles.


Getting a team moving in the same direction toward a common purpose. Communicated the urgent need for change to motivate team and influence stakeholders.

Managing Expectations

Managing the expectations of stakeholders for what you will and will not deliver. Managed communications to stakeholders to deliver to commitments.

Setting Expectations

Setting expectations for work outputs, quality and timelines with your team. Set clear expectations and monitored progress to quickly manage delivery issues.

Internal Controls

Implementing controls to manage business processes and resources. Implemented controls and monitoring for a team budget of $11 million.


Measuring objectives and goals using techniques such as management accounting. Developed a metric that captured the throughput of key business processes.


The process of measuring, implementing change and measuring again. Improved the throughput of order provisioning by 7% by eliminating bottlenecks and inefficiencies.


Communication such as influencing stakeholders. Developed a quality control dashboard that was widely used by the executive team to monitor key manufacturing processes.

Knowledge Management

Developing, securing and using knowledge. Maintained a secure repository of project documents to provide traceability for all decisions, budget items, requirements and project artifacts.


Developing plans such as action plans, business plans, operations plans and project plans. Developed an action plan that quickly resolved a major information security incident.


Orchestrating processes and events. Organized productive morning team meetings. Improved the management of these meetings to reduce their duration to 20 minutes a day from an hour.


Business processes that require constant monitoring by a manager. Managed the front desk of the hotel to execute key operational processes and ensure a high level of customer service.

Business Processes

Managing business processes. Managed a production line with 99.99% uptime and a throughput of 1.6 million units a month.

Team Culture

Team culture is the set of norms, expectations and traditions that define your team. Developed a positive team culture where contributors openly shared their bravest ideas.

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