
Good Failure

Good Failure Jonathan Poland

Good failure, also known as productive failure, refers to the idea that failure can be a valuable learning experience and can lead to future success. This concept is based on the idea that failure is an essential part of the learning process, and that it is often through failure that people learn the most.

Good failure allows people to take risks, experiment, and try new things without fear of negative consequences. This can lead to innovation and creativity, as people are more willing to explore new ideas and approaches. Good failure also encourages a growth mindset, where people see challenges and setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as failures. Some concepts include failing often, failing cheaply, failing quickly, and creating a fast feedback loop to learn from.

Examples of good failure include:

  • A student who struggles with a difficult math problem and spends time working on it, ultimately learning a new concept or method that they can apply to future problems.
  • An entrepreneur who starts a business and fails, but learns valuable lessons about what worked and what didn’t, and uses that knowledge to start a successful business in the future.
  • A company that experiments with a new product or service and fails, but learns valuable insights about customer preferences and market trends that they can use to develop more successful products in the future.
  • A team that fails to meet a project deadline, but learns valuable lessons about project management and team dynamics that they can apply to future projects.

Overall, good failure is an important concept that can help people and organizations to learn from their mistakes, innovate, and achieve success in the long term.

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