Brand Concept

Brand Concept

Brand Concept Jonathan Poland

A brand concept is the overarching idea or meaning that lies at the heart of a brand. It is the core message or value that the brand represents, and it is used to give cohesiveness to the brand’s identity. The brand concept is the first thing that a brand wants to come to mind when customers think of the brand. It helps to differentiate the brand from its competitors and gives customers a sense of what the brand stands for. A strong brand concept can drive customer loyalty and increase the perceived value of a brand’s products or services.

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Stakeholders Jonathan Poland


Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or concern in something, especially a business. For example, in a…

Everyday Low Price Jonathan Poland

Everyday Low Price

Everyday low price, commonly abbreviated as EDLP, is a pricing strategy in which a retailer offers its products at a…

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Creative destruction is a process in which new, innovative ideas and technologies disrupt and replace older, established industries and firms.…

Elastic Demand Jonathan Poland

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Elastic demand is a term used in economics to describe the responsiveness of the quantity of a good or service…

Systematic Risk Jonathan Poland

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Concept Selling Jonathan Poland

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Eye Contact as a Skill Jonathan Poland

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Eye contact is a fundamental component of communication and a crucial social signal in human interactions. This is why it…

Influence Jonathan Poland


Influence is the ability to have an impact on the thoughts, behaviors, and values of an individual. It can involve…

Risk Capacity Jonathan Poland

Risk Capacity

Risk capacity is the maximum level of risk that an organization or individual is able to withstand in order to…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Management Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Management Efficiency

Management efficiency refers to the ability of a company or organization to effectively utilize its resources, such as capital, labor,…

Examples of Transparency Jonathan Poland

Examples of Transparency

Transparency refers to the practice of openly and honestly disclosing information to stakeholders within an organization, such as the public,…

Deep Learning Jonathan Poland

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that involves the use of artificial neural networks to learn and make…

Organizational Capital Jonathan Poland

Organizational Capital

Organizational capital refers to the intangible assets and resources within an organization that support its operations and enable it to…

Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Poland

Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the top administrator of an organization, responsible for its overall performance. The CEO typically…

Operating Agreement Jonathan Poland

Operating Agreement

An LLC operating agreement is a legal document that outlines the rules and procedures for a limited liability company, including…

Continuous Production Jonathan Poland

Continuous Production

Continuous production is a method of manufacturing in which materials and parts are continuously processed and kept in motion or…

Team Strategy Jonathan Poland

Team Strategy

A team strategy is a plan that outlines how a team will achieve its goals. Developing and implementing a strategy…

Business Model Examples Jonathan Poland

Business Model Examples

A business model is a framework for capturing value. The term is most often applied to organizations who seek to…