

Stakeholders Jonathan Poland

Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or concern in something, especially a business. For example, in a corporation, stakeholders might include shareholders, employees, customers, and suppliers. The concept of stakeholders is important because it recognizes that a business has responsibilities not just to its shareholders, but also to other groups who are affected by its actions.

The owners of a business. Investors typically have a right to accurate and timely information such as regular financial statements. They may also have the right to approve or reject major decisions such as mergers & acquisitions.

The creditors of a business typically have rights such as access to accurate and timely financial information.

The communities that are impacted by your business. For example, your impact on the quality of life, environment and economy of a city.

Trade Unions
Trade unions may be informed and consulted about things such as worker safety.

Employees and other individual contributors to your organization.

Government agencies such as regulatory bodies and taxation authorities.

Partners such as suppliers and distribution partners.

Customers who depend on your products and services.

Internal Stakeholders
Internal stakeholders are stakeholders by virtual of their role in your organization. For example, your board of directors, executive managers, auditors, business units, internal customers, operations teams, subject matter experts and users.

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Prospecting Jonathan Poland


Sales prospecting is the process of identifying and researching potential customers for a business’s products or services. This typically involves…

Product Development Jonathan Poland

Product Development

Product development is the process of designing, creating, and launching new products. It typically involves a number of different steps,…

Negotiation Tactics Jonathan Poland

Negotiation Tactics

Negotiation tactics are strategies and techniques used in the process of negotiation to help achieve an individual or group’s objectives.…

Calculated Risk Jonathan Poland

Calculated Risk

Calculated risk is an essential concept in the field of risk management. It refers to the process of carefully assessing…

Willingness to Pay Jonathan Poland

Willingness to Pay

Willingness to pay (WTP) is a measure of how much a customer is willing to pay for a product or…

Camping Strategy Jonathan Poland

Camping Strategy

Camping strategy is the practice of a using a geographical location as a competitive advantage. It has several common applications:…

Sales Management Jonathan Poland

Sales Management

Sales management is the process of overseeing and directing an organization’s sales team. It involves setting sales goals, analyzing data,…

Business Cluster Jonathan Poland

Business Cluster

A business cluster is a geographic region that is home to a concentration of companies in a particular industry, and…

Data Infrastructure Jonathan Poland

Data Infrastructure

Data infrastructure refers to the hardware, software, and network resources that support the collection, storage, processing, and analysis of data.…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Self-Assessment Jonathan Poland


Self assessment is the process of evaluating one’s own work performance and identifying areas for improvement. This can be a…

Rationalism vs Empiricism Jonathan Poland

Rationalism vs Empiricism

Rationalism and empiricism are two philosophical approaches to understanding the world and acquiring knowledge. While they share some similarities, they…

Drip Marketing Jonathan Poland

Drip Marketing

Drip marketing, also known as drip campaigns, is a strategy that involves sending targeted and personalized marketing messages to a…

Product 101 Jonathan Poland

Product 101

A product is an item that is offered for sale. It can be a tangible good, such as a car…

Contingency Planning Jonathan Poland

Contingency Planning

Contingency planning is a risk management strategy that involves developing alternative plans or strategies in case the primary plan is…

Decision Tree Jonathan Poland

Decision Tree

A decision tree is a graphical representation of a decision-making process. It is a flowchart-like structure that shows the various…

Brand Switching Jonathan Poland

Brand Switching

Brand switching refers to the act of a customer switching from a brand that they were previously loyal to, to…

Management Levels Jonathan Poland

Management Levels

A management level is a layer of accountability and responsibility in an organization. It is common for organizations to have…

Asset Based Lending Jonathan Poland

Asset Based Lending

Asset-based lending (ABL) is a type of business financing in which a loan or line of credit is secured by…