Management Levels

Management Levels

Management Levels Jonathan Poland

A management level is a layer of accountability and responsibility in an organization. It is common for organizations to have up to three management levels. The levels are typically referred to as top-level management, middle-level management, and lower-level management.

  1. Top-level management: Top-level management, also known as strategic-level management or senior management, refers to the highest level of management in an organization. This level includes the chief executive officer (CEO), the chief financial officer (CFO), and other top executives. Top-level management is responsible for setting the overall strategy and direction of the organization and making high-level decisions.
  2. Middle-level management: Middle-level management, also known as operational-level management, refers to the level of management that is responsible for implementing the strategies and plans developed by top-level management. This level includes managers who are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the organization and making decisions that impact the immediate work environment.
  3. Lower-level management: Lower-level management, also known as front-line management, refers to the level of management that is responsible for supervising and coordinating the work of front-line employees. This level includes supervisors, team leaders, and other managers who are responsible for overseeing the work of individual employees and ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.
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