Product Quality

Product Quality

Product Quality Jonathan Poland

Product quality refers to the inherent characteristics of a product that determine its value to customers. It can include factors such as durability, reliability, functionality, and performance. Customers often consider product quality when making purchasing decisions, as they want to ensure that they are getting a product that will meet their needs and expectations. High-quality products tend to have a positive reputation and can often command higher prices due to their perceived value. On the other hand, products with poor quality may not be as well received by customers and may result in negative reviews or low sales. Ensuring that a product has high quality is important for businesses, as it can lead to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and increased revenue. The following are common types of product quality.

Manufacturers view product quality in terms of conformance to specifications. This is achieved with a process of quality control and quality assurance. Done correctly, this results in products that are extremely consistent.

Fit For Purpose
Customers view product quality primarily in terms of how a product fulfills their needs.

Communication & Information
Customer expectations also influence quality perceptions. Negative surprises such as a missing feature can result in poor product ratings. As such, packaging, instructional content and marketing communication play a role in quality by managing expectations. For example, a jar of organic peanut butter made without a thickening agent might carefully communicate that it separates easily and needs to be stirred before each use.

The durability of a product in a variety of real world conditions. A product that breaks earlier than expected tends to attract poor product reviews.

Safety & Security
Safety and security incidents can cause serious damage to a product’s reputation. For example, an operating system that is vulnerable to information security attacks may be viewed as low quality.

Efficiency is a primary quality consideration for products that are resource intensive. For example, energy efficiency is a core quality factor for transportation products such as high speed trains.

Intangible elements of a product such as how much fun it is to use.

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