Political Risk

Political Risk

Political Risk Jonathan Poland

Political risk refers to the potential for losses or other negative impacts on an organization as a result of changes in political conditions. Political risk can arise from a variety of sources, including changes in government policies, political instability, and conflicts or wars.

Political risk is a concern for businesses that operate in countries with volatile political environments, as it can affect the stability and predictability of the business environment. Political risk can also impact businesses that are dependent on specific political conditions, such as favorable trade policies or access to natural resources.

To manage political risk, it is important for businesses to have a clear understanding of the political environment in which they operate and to continuously monitor changes in political conditions. This may involve developing contingency plans or diversifying operations to mitigate the impacts of political risk. Businesses may also consider purchasing political risk insurance to protect against losses resulting from political events.

In conclusion, political risk is a significant consideration for businesses operating in countries with volatile political environments. By effectively managing political risk, businesses can minimize the potential impacts of changes in political conditions and protect their operations and financial performance. The following are a few types of political risk.

Trade Barriers

Trade barriers such as tariffs can decrease margins or make it impossible to compete in a foreign market. In many cases, trade barriers are the result of local politics or trade wars between nations.


Changes in taxes can reduce the profitability of a business and affect the price of assets such as stocks. Complex tax rules can also be a burden on small businesses who may need to invest limited resources in understanding and complying with new rules.


New legislation can result in compliance costs as businesses may need to make changes to operations, products or business processes.


Political turmoil can result in administrative delays. For example, a government may start to delay business critical approvals such as building permits.

Political Instability

Political instability such as terrorism, riots, coups, civil war, and insurrection can completely disrupt business operations in a country for long periods of time.


In many cases, politics can influence economic management such as the interest rate decisions that impact asset prices and business costs.

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