Price Umbrella

Price Umbrella

Price Umbrella Jonathan Poland

A price umbrella is a pricing strategy in which a company sets a high price for a premium product or service, and then uses that high price as a reference point to offer lower prices for other, less expensive products or services. The idea is that the high price of the premium offering creates a “price umbrella” that makes the lower prices for the other products or services seem more appealing by comparison. For example, a luxury car manufacturer might set a high price for its top-of-the-line model, and then use that high price as a reference point to offer lower prices for its other models, making them seem like a better value by comparison. This strategy can be effective in helping a company differentiate its products and create a perception of value among its customers.

Some examples of the price umbrella strategy in action include:

  • A high-end clothing retailer offering a $1,000 designer dress and then using that high price as a reference point to offer a $200 blouse and a $100 pair of jeans, making them seem like a better value by comparison
  • A luxury hotel chain offering a suite with a starting price of $1,000 per night and then using that high price as a reference point to offer standard rooms for $200 per night, making them seem like a better value by comparison
  • A premium smartphone manufacturer offering a top-of-the-line model for $1,000 and then using that high price as a reference point to offer lower-priced models for $500 and $300, making them seem like a better value by comparison

In each of these cases, the high price of the premium offering serves as a reference point that makes the lower prices for the other products or services seem more attractive by comparison. This can help the company differentiate its products and create a perception of value among its customers.

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