Marketing Message

Marketing Message

Marketing Message Jonathan Poland

A marketing message refers to any media or communication that is intended to persuade or influence customers. Marketing messages can be used for a variety of purposes, including generating demand for a product or service, building brand awareness, and driving sales. These messages can be delivered through a variety of channels, such as advertising, social media, email marketing, and in-store marketing.

Effective marketing messages are tailored to the specific needs and interests of the target audience and are designed to capture their attention and motivate them to take action. They may include compelling headlines, persuasive language, and attractive visuals to help convey the value and benefits of the product or service.

To be successful, marketing messages should be carefully planned and executed as part of a larger marketing strategy. It is important to consider the various preferences and behaviors of the target audience, as well as the most appropriate channels for delivering the message. By creating and delivering compelling marketing messages, businesses can increase demand, build brand awareness, and drive sales. The following are the basic types of marketing message.

An appeal based on authority, credentials or credibility. For example, selling a product developed in space with a famous astronaut as a spokesperson.

An appeal to emotion. For example, a message that does nothing more than associate a brand with positive emotions to build brand awareness.

An appeal to logic such as an insurance commercial that states a region has a 70% chance of a major flood in the next 20 years but only 10% of homeowners have flood insurance.

Your audience is far less likely to ignore your message if it is genuinely funny.

Call to Action
A direct and unambiguous command such as “buy now” or “check it out.”

A nudge is a gentle suggestion that understates a message to allow the audience to develop a conclusion for themselves.

Mentioning a price or a sale. This can get the customer thinking about whether its a good value or whether they can afford it.

Offers such as a free trial.

Illustrating things that the customer can accomplish with your product or service. For example, a digital piano that includes in-built lessons for beginners.

Features are how functions are implemented. It is a common marketing rule that it is better to communicate functions over features. However, if features are remarkable they might be communicated. For example, a digital piano that lights up the keys you are supposed to press for a piece of music.

Pitching the quality of your product. For example, “handcrafted from fine Italian leather.”

The art of making information interesting, humorous and relatable by wrapping it in a story.

Fear of Missing Out
Create a sense of popularity and urgency around your product to trigger a fear of missing out.

Anticipating Objections
Identifying some of the common reasons your audience rejects your message to handle objections. For example, an ad for a chocolate bar that ends with “only 110 calories.”

Choice Architecture
Offering choices that are structured to achieve your goals. For example, a price menu that has options that are obviously superior. This may trigger a desire to purchase when customers notice that one option is a much better deal.

Demonstrations of social status such as a brand that shows a celebrity wearing their products.

Displaying confidence and authenticity by downplaying your social status. For example, a story that talks about your early failures in developing your product. Counter-signaling might be described as bragging by being humble.

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