What is Promotion?

What is Promotion?

What is Promotion? Jonathan Poland

Promotion refers to any marketing strategy that is aimed at increasing recognition, awareness, and interest in a brand, product, or service. It is designed to generate demand for products and services and support sales efforts. Promotional strategies can include a range of tactics such as advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and personal selling.

Promotion is a key component of the marketing mix and is often used in conjunction with other marketing efforts such as product development, pricing, and distribution. By effectively promoting their products and services, businesses can increase visibility and reach, build brand awareness and loyalty, and ultimately drive more sales.

Effective promotion requires a clear understanding of the target audience and the most effective ways to reach and engage them. It also requires careful planning and execution, as well as regular tracking and analysis to measure the effectiveness of promotional efforts.

Overall, promotion plays a vital role in the success of a business. By raising recognition, awareness, and interest in its products and services, a business can generate demand and drive sales, ultimately contributing to its overall growth and success. The following are promotional objectives.

Brand Recognition
The percentage of your target market who recognize your brand from its name or visual symbols. It is common for large brands to advertise with the objective of building and maintaining brand recognition.

Brand Awareness
The percentage of your customers who associate your name with a product category. For example, people who name your brand when asked to name a cloud platform.

Demand Generation
Generating demand for products and services. For example, a retailer with an objective of increasing floor traffic by promoting a sale.

Market Penetration
Increasing your market penetration rate. For example, a technology company locked in an intense competition for a growing market may target market penetration over profits.

Brand Image
Objectives to build a specific type of brand image in the minds of customers. For example, a luggage company with an objective of being perceived as a luxury brand.

The objective of building a reputation or repairing a reputation.

Sales Leads
Promotions that are aimed at directly generating leads to close sales. In this case, promotions may be measured by cost per lead.

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