Product Development

Product Development

Product Development Jonathan Poland

Product development is the process of designing, creating, and launching new products. It typically involves a number of different steps, including market research to identify customer needs and preferences, product design and engineering, testing and prototyping, and manufacturing and distribution. Product development can be a complex and time-consuming process, but it is an important part of a company’s growth and success. By developing new and innovative products, companies can expand their product offerings, meet the needs of their customers, and stay ahead of competitors. Product development can also help companies to generate new revenue streams and increase their market share.

The steps involved in product development can vary depending on the specific product and the needs of the company, but generally, the process will involve the following steps:

  1. Market research: This involves gathering information about customer needs and preferences, market trends, and competitor products. This can help the company to identify opportunities for new products and to understand what customers are looking for.
  2. Product design: This involves creating detailed designs for the product, including its features, functionality, and appearance. This may involve creating prototypes or mockups to test the product’s design and make any necessary adjustments.
  3. Testing and prototyping: This involves creating a sample or prototype of the product and testing it to ensure that it meets the desired specifications and performs as intended. This can involve both laboratory testing and field testing to gather feedback from customers or other users.
  4. Manufacturing and production: Once the product has been designed and tested, it can be manufactured and produced on a large scale. This may involve sourcing materials, assembling components, and packaging the finished product.
  5. Distribution and sales: The final step in the product development process is to get the product into the hands of customers. This may involve working with distributors and retailers to make the product available in stores, or developing an online sales platform to sell the product directly to customers.

The following are common product development techniques.

Market Research
Developing knowledge and data about markets and customers.

  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Critical To Customer
  • Customer Analysis
  • Customer Expectations
  • Customer Interviews
  • Customer Needs
  • Customer Preferences
  • Customer Requirements
  • Feasibility Study
  • Marketing Experimentation
  • Proof Of Concept
  • Sensory Analysis
  • Target Market
  • Test Marketing
  • Total Addressable Market

Product concepts and strategy typically revolve around the idea of positioning a product’s unique identity in a crowded market.

  • Augmented Product
  • Brand Theory
  • Business Models
  • Convenience Product
  • Cost Leadership
  • Customer Experience
  • Figure Of Merit
  • First-Mover Advantage
  • Latent Need
  • Market Fit
  • Marketability
  • Niches
  • Over-Positioning
  • Pain Points
  • Positioning
  • Premiumization
  • Product Analysis
  • Product Extension
  • Product Features
  • Product Objectives
  • Product-as-a-Service
  • Value Proposition

Designing the product or service and elements of customer experience.

  • Creativity Of Constraints
  • Design Considerations
  • Design Driven Development
  • Design For Logistics
  • Design Philosophy
  • Design Principles
  • Design Thinking
  • Design To Value
  • Innovation
  • Naive Design
  • Principle Of Least Astonishment
  • Product Experience
  • Product Innovation
  • Prototypes
  • Service Design
  • Sustainable Design
  • Testbed
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