Business Assets

Business Assets

Business Assets Jonathan Poland

In business, assets are useful property that are owned by the company. These assets can be divided into three categories: current assets, fixed assets, and intangible assets. Current assets are things like cash, marketable securities, and other assets that are expected to be converted to cash or consumed within a year. Fixed assets, such as buildings, machinery, and equipment, have a useful life of more than a year. Intangible assets are things that cannot be touched, such as the value of a brand, customer list, or trademark.

Some common types of business assets include:

  • Accounts Receivable
  • Bank Deposits
  • Buildings
  • Cash
  • Cash Equivalents
  • Communication Equipment
  • Computers
  • Concessions & Franchises
  • Construction Equipment
  • Cultural Assets
  • Debt Securities
  • Elevators
  • Equipment
  • Equity Securities
  • Fixtures
  • Furnishings
  • Goodwill
  • HVAC
  • Infrastructure
  • Interest Receivable
  • Inventory
  • Kitchen Equipment
  • Land
  • Land Improvements
  • Licenses
  • Loans, Advances & Deposits
  • Machines
  • Marketable Securities
  • Media Equipment
  • Mobile Devices
  • Musical Instruments
  • Natural Resources
  • Prepaid Expenses
  • Prepaid Taxes
  • Production Equipment
  • Property, Plant & Equipment
  • Raw Materials
  • Recreational Facilities
  • Research & Development
  • Rights
  • Safety Equipment
  • Satellites
  • Shipping Equipment
  • Ships & Boats
  • Signs
  • Software
  • Storage Systems
  • Supplies
  • Taxes Receivable
  • Tools & Dies
  • Trademarks & Patents
  • Transportation Equipment
  • Uniforms
  • Utensils
  • Vehicles
  • Work in Progress (goods in process)
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