Data Security

Data Security

Data Security Jonathan Poland

Data security is the practice of protecting data from unauthorized access, use, modification, destruction, or deletion. It is a key aspect of information security that is focused on protecting data stores, knowledge repositories, and documents from external threats and vulnerabilities.

There are several key aspects of data security that are important to understand. These include:

  1. Data protection: Data protection refers to the measures that are implemented to protect data from unauthorized access, use, or modification. This may include measures such as encryption, access controls, and authentication protocols.
  2. Data retention: Data retention refers to the practice of storing data for a specific period of time in order to meet legal, regulatory, or business requirements. Data retention policies can help to ensure that important data is not deleted or lost.
  3. Data backup: Data backup is the process of creating copies of data in order to protect against data loss due to hardware failure, software bugs, or other unforeseen events.
  4. Data recovery: Data recovery is the process of restoring data that has been lost, damaged, or corrupted. Data recovery is often necessary after a data breach or other security incident.

The following are common data security techniques and considerations.

  • Data Anonymization
  • Data Authentication
  • Data Backup
  • Data Breach
  • Data Control
  • Data In Rest
  • Data In Transit
  • Data In Use
  • Data Masking
  • Data Purging
  • Data Remanence
  • Data Room
  • Data Sovereignty
  • Data States
  • Data Subject
  • Data Wipe
  • Deep Magic
  • Degaussing
  • Self-Destruct Mechanism
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