

Commercialization Jonathan Poland

Commercialization is the process of introducing a new product or service into the market and making it available for purchase by consumers. It involves a range of activities, including market research, product development, marketing, and sales.

Effective commercialization requires a thorough understanding of customer needs and preferences, as well as a clear plan for bringing the product or service to market. This includes identifying the target market, developing a marketing strategy, and designing a pricing and distribution plan.

One key aspect of commercialization is the development of a go-to-market strategy, which outlines the steps necessary to bring the product or service to market and reach target customers. This may include creating a marketing plan, identifying distribution channels, and establishing partnerships with other businesses.

In order to be successful, a product or service must meet the needs of its target market and be competitive in the marketplace. This requires a deep understanding of the competitive landscape and the factors that drive consumer purchasing decisions.

Overall, commercialization is a critical step in the innovation process, as it enables companies to bring new products and services to market and generate revenue. By carefully planning and executing a commercialization strategy, businesses can increase their chances of success and drive growth.


Art is often pursued for art’s sake. That is to say, that art such as painting, sculpture, music and film is often driven by creative instinct as opposed to commercial intent. As such, commercialization has somewhere negative connotations in creative professions.


Governments are typically designed to protect, preserve and improve the quality of life of communities. This is very different from the profit motive that drives the private sector. Nevertheless, it is common to commercialize certain government operations with techniques such as outsourcing.

Business Capabilities

The term commercialization is often applied to the process of identifying internal business capabilities such as technologies, processes and knowledge that have potential to be a product.


Innovation differs from traditional product development in that it involves testing out a large number of ideas. In the context of innovation, commercialization is the process of selecting a prototype or business experiment for product development.

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