
REIT – Mortgage

Real Estate Investment Trusts that acquire, develop, manage, and dispose of mortgage-backed securities (MBS), including companies that earn income from interest on financing provided on income-producing real estate by purchasing or originating underlying mortgages and MBS. The mortgage industry involves the lending of money to individuals and businesses for the purpose of purchasing real estate properties. Mortgage companies, also known as mortgage lenders, may be banks, credit unions, or other financial institutions, and may offer a range of mortgage products, such as fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable-rate mortgages, and jumbo mortgages. The mortgage industry is closely tied to the real estate market and can be affected by factors such as interest rates, housing prices, and economic conditions.

Top Companies

Industry’s Top Companies:

  • Annaly Capital
  • Starwood Property
  • AGNC Investment
  • Rithm Capital
  • Blackstone Mortgage Trust
  • Arbor Realty
  • Claros Mortgage Trust
  • Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance
  • Chimera Investment Corporation
  • Two Harbors

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Competitive Markets Jonathan Poland

Competitive Markets

In a competitive market, multiple participants exchange value without any single entity having control over the market. This type of…

Product Cannibalization Jonathan Poland

Product Cannibalization

Product cannibalization refers to the situation in which the sales of one product within a company’s portfolio negatively impact the…

Brand Identity Jonathan Poland

Brand Identity

Brand identity refers to the overall image and perception that a company wishes to convey to its customers. This includes…

Job Orientation Jonathan Poland

Job Orientation

Job orientation, also known as onboarding, is the process of introducing new employees to the company and their role. It…

Durable Competitive Advantage Jonathan Poland

Durable Competitive Advantage

The most important aspect of durability is market fit. Unique super simple products or services that does change much if…

Cultural Norms Jonathan Poland

Cultural Norms

A cultural norm is a shared belief or behavior that is considered to be acceptable or appropriate within a particular…

Decision Costs Jonathan Poland

Decision Costs

Decision costs refer to the costs associated with making a decision. These costs can take many forms, including the time…

Specifications Jonathan Poland


A specification is a detailed description of the requirements or procedures that are necessary to implement or carry out a…

Brand Awareness Jonathan Poland

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with and able to recognize a brand. It is…