Performance Problems

Performance Problems

Performance Problems Jonathan Poland

Performance problems are issues that arise in the workplace due to the inadequate or poor performance of an individual. These problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including an individual’s skill level, work ethic, or ability to work effectively with others. When performance problems are identified, it is typically necessary for management to take action in order to address the issue and improve the individual’s performance. This may involve implementing a performance improvement plan, taking disciplinary action, or even dismissing the individual if the problems cannot be resolved.

When assessing performance problems, it is important to consider the recent contributions of the individual in question and the nature of their role. For example, a salesperson who takes long lunch breaks might not be a problem if they are consistently meeting or exceeding their sales targets and fulfilling the other responsibilities of their role. On the other hand, if the same salesperson is consistently failing to meet their sales targets and is not following up with customers or performing other essential duties, this could be a performance problem that requires management intervention.

Overall, performance problems can be disruptive and damaging to an organization if they are not addressed in a timely and effective manner. By regularly monitoring employee performance and taking appropriate action when problems arise, organizations can maintain high standards of performance and contribute to the overall success of the team or organization.

The following are illustrative examples of performance problems.

  • Absenteeism
  • Authoritarianism
  • Avoids Accountability / Responsibility
  • Avoids Work / Action Items
  • Breaks Law
  • Brings Personal Problems to Work
  • Brings Politics / Ideology To Work
  • Bypasses Process & Procedures
  • Client Dissatisfaction
  • Compliance Violations
  • Defeatism
  • Derails Projects
  • Disconnect From Performance Reality (low performer demands constant recognition)
  • Discrimination & Biases
  • Dishonest
  • Disrespectful
  • Exceeds Authority
  • Excessive Breaks / Socializing
  • Extended Period of Generally Low Performance
  • Fails to Follow Direction
  • Failure to Achieve Objectives
  • Failure to Make Proper Notifications (e.g. for sick day)
  • Harassment
  • Health & Safety Hazards
  • Hostile to Customers
  • Hostile to Management
  • Hostile to Peers
  • Ignores Workplace Health & Safety Practices
  • Inaccurate
  • Inappropriate Communication (e.g. emails entire company about personal opinions)
  • Incivility
  • Information Security Lapses
  • Insubordination Intimidation
  • Lack of Candor
  • Lacks Objectivity
  • Lateness
  • Low Throughput
  • Malicious Compliance
  • Misses Deadlines
  • Misuse of Funds
  • Misuse of Time
  • Moody, Irritable or Overly Emotional
  • Negative Office Politics
  • Outrageous Behavior at Any Time that Damages Reputation of Employer
  • Overly Passive
  • Overreaction to Criticism
  • Passive Aggressive Behavior
  • Poor Attention to Detail
  • Poor Budget Control
  • Poor Listening Habits
  • Poor Work Quality
  • Resistance to Change
  • Resistance to Policy
  • Sabotage
  • Sidelines Management
  • Sidelines Stakeholders
  • Stakeholder Dissatisfaction
  • Submits Inaccurate Accusations
  • Substance Abuse
  • Subverts Internal Controls
  • Unauthorized Public Disclosures (violates policy or contract)
  • Unavailable During Core Working Hours
  • Unethical Behavior
  • Unprofessional Behavior
  • Unreasonable Complaints & Resentments
  • Wasted Resources / Cost
  • Workplace Bullying
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