Target Costing

Target Costing

Target Costing Jonathan Poland

Target costing is a cost management approach that involves setting a target cost for a product or service and then working backwards to determine the most efficient and cost-effective way to produce it. The goal of target costing is to ensure that the product can be produced and sold at a profit while still meeting the needs and expectations of the customer.

Target costing is often used in the manufacturing and service industries, and it is particularly useful for companies that operate in highly competitive markets where cost is a key factor in the decision to purchase a product.

The process of target costing involves several steps:

  1. Determine the target price: The first step in target costing is to determine the target price at which the product or service will be sold. This target price should take into account the competitive environment, the value that the product or service provides to the customer, and the company’s desired profit margin.
  2. Establish the target cost: The target cost is the maximum amount that the company can afford to spend on producing the product or service while still meeting the target price. The target cost is typically calculated by subtracting the desired profit margin from the target price.
  3. Determine the design and production requirements: The next step is to determine the design and production requirements for the product or service, taking into account the target cost. This may involve making trade-offs in terms of features, materials, and other factors in order to reduce costs while still meeting the desired performance and quality standards.
  4. Monitor and control costs: Once the product or service has been designed and is in production, it is important to monitor and control costs in order to ensure that they remain within the target cost. This may involve implementing cost-saving initiatives, such as Lean manufacturing techniques, and continuously reviewing and optimizing the production process.

Target costing is a proactive approach to cost management that helps companies ensure that their products or services are competitively priced while still meeting customer needs and delivering a desired level of quality. By setting and adhering to target costs, companies can improve their profitability and increase their competitiveness in the market.

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