What is a Focus Group?

What is a Focus Group?

What is a Focus Group? Jonathan Poland

A focus group is a research method in which a small, diverse group of people are brought together to discuss and provide feedback on a particular product, service, idea, or issue. Focus groups are typically moderated by a trained facilitator and may be conducted in person or online. A focus group is a qualitative research method that assembles a group of 4-12 people to ask them about their ideas, impressions, perceptions, tastes and feelings about concepts, designs, products, packaging or experiences.

Focus groups are often used in market research to gather insights and opinions from a group of people who are representative of a larger target market. They can be particularly useful for gathering qualitative data, as they allow researchers to delve deeper into the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of the participants.

During a focus group, the facilitator will typically present the group with a set of questions or prompts related to the topic of discussion, and encourage the participants to share their thoughts and experiences. The facilitator may also use techniques such as brainstorming or role-playing to stimulate discussion and gather more in-depth data.

Overall, focus groups can provide valuable insights and help businesses to better understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of their target audience. They are often used in conjunction with other research methods, such as surveys or customer interviews, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of customer attitudes and behaviors.

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