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Design Innovation

Design innovation refers to the development of designs that represent a significant…

Innovation Process

Innovation refers to the process of making significant improvements by taking bold…

Innovation Objectives

Innovation objectives are aims to significantly improve something through the use of…

Innovation Metrics

Innovation metrics are tools used to assess the innovation efforts of a…

Product Innovation

Product innovation refers to the development and introduction of a product or…

Innovation Risk

Innovation is a proactive approach to business and design that aims to…

Cost Innovation

Cost innovation is the practice of finding ways to significantly improve value…

Innovation Principles

Innovation principles are guidelines that an organization adopts as a basis for…

Innovation 101

Innovation is the process of creating new ideas, products, or processes that…

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Curiosity Drive Jonathan Poland

Curiosity Drive

Curiosity drive, or the desire to obtain new information, is a fundamental human motivation that drives learning and exploration. In…

Operations Plan Jonathan Poland

Operations Plan

An operations plan is a document that outlines the steps a business will take to establish, improve, or expand its…

Risk Exposure Jonathan Poland

Risk Exposure

Risk exposure refers to the potential costs that an organization could incur as a result of a particular risk or…

Augmented Product Jonathan Poland

Augmented Product

An augmented product is a product that includes intangible benefits beyond the physical product itself. These intangible benefits may include…

Labor Specialization Jonathan Poland

Labor Specialization

Specialization of labor involves dividing work into specific roles or tasks, with the goal of improving productivity, efficiency, quality, and…

Quality Objectives Jonathan Poland

Quality Objectives

Quality objectives are specific, measurable targets that organizations set in order to improve the quality of their products or services.…

Pricing 101 Jonathan Poland

Pricing 101

Pricing refers to the process of determining the value that a business will receive in exchange for its products or…

Product Differentiation Jonathan Poland

Product Differentiation

Product differentiation is the unique value that a product offers on the market. This value can come from a variety…

Rebranding Jonathan Poland


Rebranding is the process of making significant changes to a company’s brand in order to alter the way it is…

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Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

Types of Efficiency Jonathan Poland

Types of Efficiency

Efficiency refers to the relationship between the amount of input used to produce something and the amount of output that…

Economic Advantage Jonathan Poland

Economic Advantage

A competitive advantage is a feature or characteristic that allows a company to perform better than its competitors in a…

Everyday Low Price Jonathan Poland

Everyday Low Price

Everyday low price, commonly abbreviated as EDLP, is a pricing strategy in which a retailer offers its products at a…

What is a Self-Replicating Machine? Jonathan Poland

What is a Self-Replicating Machine?

Self-replicating machines are robots or nanobots that are capable of producing copies of themselves, using scavenged materials and energy to…

Cause and Effect Jonathan Poland

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect is a concept that refers to the relationship between an event (the cause) and a subsequent result…

Examples of Capital Intensive Jonathan Poland

Examples of Capital Intensive

An industry, organization, or activity that is capital intensive requires a large amount of fixed capital, such as buildings and…

Flat Pricing Jonathan Poland

Flat Pricing

Flat pricing is a pricing strategy in which a fixed price is offered to all customers for a product or…

Soft Launch Jonathan Poland

Soft Launch

A soft launch is a product launch that is limited in scope, such as a release to a small group…

Risk Tolerance Jonathan Poland

Risk Tolerance

A risk is the possibility of an adverse event occurring, while a trigger is the root cause of that event.…