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Productivity is a measure of how efficiently resources are used to produce…

Product Development

Product development is the process of designing, creating, and launching new products.…

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is the process through which a business attracts and persuades…

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions;…

Technology 101

Technology is an important component of every business, constantly reshaping entire industries.…

Growth Strategy

A growth strategy is a plan to increase or improve some KPI, like revenue, profit, subscribers, etc.
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External Risk Jonathan Poland

External Risk

An external risk is a type of risk that is outside of your control and cannot be influenced or managed…

Customary Pricing Jonathan Poland

Customary Pricing

Customary pricing refers to the pricing practices that are considered typical or normal in a particular industry or market. This…

Comparative Risk Jonathan Poland

Comparative Risk

Comparative risk is a method of evaluating and comparing the potential impacts and likelihood of different risks. It is used…

The Fundamentals of Business Mastery Jonathan Poland

The Fundamentals of Business Mastery

Overview Business comes down to just two areas: investments and deliverables. Leaders make investments in people, products that are delivered…

Service Level Objective Jonathan Poland

Service Level Objective

An service level objective (SLO) is a standard used to measure the performance of a business or technology service. These…

Intellectual Property Jonathan Poland

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names…

Product Analysis Jonathan Poland

Product Analysis

Product analysis is the process of evaluating a product for the purpose of product development, review, or purchasing. This evaluation…

Administrative Skills Jonathan Poland

Administrative Skills

Administrative skills are abilities and personality traits that enable a person to be efficient and organized in a workplace setting.…

Factor Market Jonathan Poland

Factor Market

The factor market, also known as the input market, is the market where the factors of production are bought and…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

What is a Self-Replicating Machine? Jonathan Poland

What is a Self-Replicating Machine?

Self-replicating machines are robots or nanobots that are capable of producing copies of themselves, using scavenged materials and energy to…

Compliance Risk Jonathan Poland

Compliance Risk

Compliance risk refers to the risk that an organization may face as a result of not complying with laws, regulations,…

Taxation Risk Jonathan Poland

Taxation Risk

Taxation risks refer to the potential for a business to face financial or reputational harm due to issues related to…

Data Architecture Jonathan Poland

Data Architecture

Data architecture refers to the principles, structures, standards, controls, models, transformations, interfaces, and technologies that define how data is stored,…

Stakeholders Jonathan Poland


Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or concern in something, especially a business. For example, in a…

Examples of Strategy Jonathan Poland

Examples of Strategy

A strategy is a long-term plan that an organization or individual develops to achieve a specific goal in a competitive…

What is a Capitalist? Jonathan Poland

What is a Capitalist?

A capitalist is an individual who supports or practices capitalism, which is an economic system based on the principles of…

Business Case for Selling B2G 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Business Case for Selling B2G

A hypothetical example of a business case where a company could potentially double its revenue by securing a specific government…

Contract Awards Calendar 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Contract Awards Calendar

Governments around the world typically follow a structured and organized process for awarding contracts to suppliers, contractors, and service providers.…