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Technology 101 Jonathan Poland

Technology 101

Technology is an important component of every business, constantly reshaping entire industries. Keeping pace with new and emerging technology can…

Manufacturing 150 150 Jonathan Poland


Manufacturing is a critical phase in business development, especially for companies that produce physical goods. The synergies between manufacturing and…

Motivation Jonathan Poland


Motivation is the driving force that inspires people to take action and pursue their goals. It is an important factor…

Business Decisions Jonathan Poland

Business Decisions

A business decision is a commitment made by a company, team, or individual employee to a specific course of action.…

Expectancy Theory Jonathan Poland

Expectancy Theory

Expectancy theory is a motivational concept that suggests people are motivated by their beliefs about the relationship between their efforts…

Sales Channels Jonathan Poland

Sales Channels

A sales channel is a way of selling products or services to customers. This can include direct sales, such as…

Telecommuting Jonathan Poland


Telecommuting, also known as remote work or working from home, is a type of flexible work arrangement in which employees…

Waste is Food Jonathan Poland

Waste is Food

The concept of “waste is food” is based on the idea that an industrial economy should not produce any waste except for biological nutrients that can be safely returned to the environment.

Prospecting Jonathan Poland


Sales prospecting is the process of identifying and researching potential customers for a business’s products or services. This typically involves…

Content Database

Search over 1,000 posts on topics across
business, finance, and capital markets.

What is a Cash Cow? Jonathan Poland

What is a Cash Cow?

A cash cow is a business or product that generates a steady stream of income or profits for a company.…

Government Contract Timeline 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Government Contract Timeline

A government contract award timeline can vary depending on the specific country, agency, and procurement process in question. In general,…

First-mover Advantage Jonathan Poland

First-mover Advantage

First-mover advantage refers to the competitive advantage that a company can gain by being the first to enter a new…

Drip Marketing Jonathan Poland

Drip Marketing

Drip marketing, also known as drip campaigns, is a strategy that involves sending targeted and personalized marketing messages to a…

Customer Satisfaction Jonathan Poland

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the practice of measuring how happy customers are with a brand’s products and services. This is typically…

Decision Framing Jonathan Poland

Decision Framing

Decision framing refers to the way in which a choice or dilemma is presented or structured. This includes the language…

Post Sales Jonathan Poland

Post Sales

After a sale is made, post-sales processes kick in to fulfill the customer’s expectations and strengthen the relationship. This can…

Change Management Metrics Jonathan Poland

Change Management Metrics

Change management metrics are quantitative measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of change management practices within an organization. These measures…

ResMed Jonathan Poland


ResMed is a global medical equipment company that provides innovative solutions for the treatment of sleep-disordered breathing, including sleep apnea…