Human Capital

Human Capital

Human Capital Jonathan Poland

Human capital refers to the future productive potential of people, which is often difficult to estimate directly. Instead, it is often measured using proxies such as education and health metrics for a population. Unlike traditional forms of capital, such as buildings and machinery, human capital is dynamic and can create or destroy significant value.

Abilities Administrative Capabilities
Agents of Change Aptitude
Artistic Talent Attention to Detail
Capacity for Calculated Risk Taking Capacity for Problem Solving
Charisma Communication Skills
Convergent Thinking Craftspeople
Creative Capacity Creative Visionaries
Credibility Cultural Capital
Cultural Competence Culture Visionaries
Design Thinking Divergent Thinking
Domain Expertise Education
Emotional Intelligence Engineering Prowess
Entrepreneurial Spirit Fluid Intelligence
General Intelligence Hard Skills
Health Honesty & Integrity
Industry Experience Industry Visionaries
Interpersonal Skills Inventive Thinking
Know-how Leadership
Lifestyle Visionaries Literary Talent
Management Competencies Mastery
Objectivity Personal Presence
Personal Resilience Physical Abilities
Political Leadership Professionalism
Rational Thinking Relational Capital
Reliability Research Abilities
Scientific Knowledge Scientific Leadership
Self-Direction Situational Knowledge
Soft Skills Storytellers
Strategic Thinking Systems Thinking
Technical Leadership Technical Skills
Traditional Knowledge Training
Work Ethic
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Final Offer Jonathan Poland

Final Offer

A final offer, also known as a best and final offer, is a negotiation tactic in which a party submits…

Target Costing Jonathan Poland

Target Costing

Target costing is a cost management approach that involves setting a target cost for a product or service and then…

Professional Skills Jonathan Poland

Professional Skills

Professional skills are a combination of talents, abilities, knowledge, and character traits that are necessary for a person to be…

In-Store Marketing Jonathan Poland

In-Store Marketing

In-store marketing refers to the use of physical retail locations, such as stores and showrooms, as a platform for marketing…

Job Titles Jonathan Poland

Job Titles

Job titles are brief labels that are used to describe the duties, goals, and expectations of a job. Some companies…

Cell Production Jonathan Poland

Cell Production

Cell production is a manufacturing approach that involves organizing work into small, self-contained units or cells. Each cell is responsible…

Positive Feedback Loop Jonathan Poland

Positive Feedback Loop

A positive feedback loop is a situation where an initial change or input (A) leads to a further change or…

Top-down vs Bottom-up Jonathan Poland

Top-down vs Bottom-up

Top-down and bottom-up are opposing approaches to thinking, analysis, design, decision-making, strategy, management, and communication. The top-down approach begins with…

Design Quality Jonathan Poland

Design Quality

Design quality refers to the value that a design holds for customers. It is a critical factor in the success…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Rule of Three Jonathan Poland

Rule of Three

The rule of three is an economic theory that posits that large, mature markets tend to be dominated by three…

Data Science Jonathan Poland

Data Science

Data science is the use of mathematical and statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and other techniques to extract meaning and…

Market Forces Jonathan Poland

Market Forces

The interaction that shapes a market economy. Market forces are the factors that determine the supply and demand for a…

Brand Awareness Jonathan Poland

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with and able to recognize a brand. It is…

Trademarks Jonathan Poland


Trademarks are used to identify and distinguish goods and services from those of others in the marketplace. Here’s what can…

Examples of Consumer Goods Jonathan Poland

Examples of Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are physical products that are purchased by individuals for their own personal use. These goods are typically tangible,…

Payback Theory Jonathan Poland

Payback Theory

Let’s say you live in a town with two bakeries for sale at $1 million each. Both offer similar products…

Employability Jonathan Poland


Employability refers to the value that an employee brings to an employer. It is the collection of attributes, skills, and…

Demand Generation Jonathan Poland

Demand Generation

Demand generation is any marketing or sales activity designed to create recognition, awareness and interest in a firm’s brand and…