Human Capital

Human Capital

Human Capital Jonathan Poland

Human capital refers to the future productive potential of people, which is often difficult to estimate directly. Instead, it is often measured using proxies such as education and health metrics for a population. Unlike traditional forms of capital, such as buildings and machinery, human capital is dynamic and can create or destroy significant value.

Abilities Administrative Capabilities
Agents of Change Aptitude
Artistic Talent Attention to Detail
Capacity for Calculated Risk Taking Capacity for Problem Solving
Charisma Communication Skills
Convergent Thinking Craftspeople
Creative Capacity Creative Visionaries
Credibility Cultural Capital
Cultural Competence Culture Visionaries
Design Thinking Divergent Thinking
Domain Expertise Education
Emotional Intelligence Engineering Prowess
Entrepreneurial Spirit Fluid Intelligence
General Intelligence Hard Skills
Health Honesty & Integrity
Industry Experience Industry Visionaries
Interpersonal Skills Inventive Thinking
Know-how Leadership
Lifestyle Visionaries Literary Talent
Management Competencies Mastery
Objectivity Personal Presence
Personal Resilience Physical Abilities
Political Leadership Professionalism
Rational Thinking Relational Capital
Reliability Research Abilities
Scientific Knowledge Scientific Leadership
Self-Direction Situational Knowledge
Soft Skills Storytellers
Strategic Thinking Systems Thinking
Technical Leadership Technical Skills
Traditional Knowledge Training
Work Ethic
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Progress Trap Jonathan Poland

Progress Trap

A progress trap is a situation where a new technology, which has the potential to improve life, ends up causing harm due to a lack of risk management.

What Is Analysis? Jonathan Poland

What Is Analysis?

Analysis is the process of breaking something down into its component parts in order to better understand it. This is…

What is a Business Case? Jonathan Poland

What is a Business Case?

A business case is a document that presents a proposal for a project, strategy, or course of action. It is…

Business Relationships Jonathan Poland

Business Relationships

Business relationships are the connections, interactions, and communications between a company and its stakeholders. These relationships can have value for…

One Stop Shop Jonathan Poland

One Stop Shop

A one stop shop model is a business model in which a single company or organization offers a wide range…

Types of Market Research Jonathan Poland

Types of Market Research

Market research is the process of systematically gathering and analyzing information about a market, including customers and competitors. This information…

What is Maker Culture? Jonathan Poland

What is Maker Culture?

Maker culture refers to a collection of subcultures that are centered around the creation and customization of technology and other…

Decision Trees Jonathan Poland

Decision Trees

Decision Trees are a popular machine learning algorithm used for both classification and regression tasks. They are part of a…

Strategic Risk Jonathan Poland

Strategic Risk

Strategy risk refers to the potential for losses resulting from the implementation of a particular strategy. All strategies carry some…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Dynamic Pricing Jonathan Poland

Dynamic Pricing

Dynamic pricing refers to the practice of changing prices in real time in response to changes in market conditions or…

Flat Pricing Jonathan Poland

Flat Pricing

Flat pricing is a pricing strategy in which a fixed price is offered to all customers for a product or…

Capital Expenditures Jonathan Poland

Capital Expenditures

Capital expenditures, also known as capital expenses or capex, refer to the money that a company spends to acquire, maintain,…

What is the Iterative Process? Jonathan Poland

What is the Iterative Process?

An iterative process is a method of working through a problem or project by repeating a series of steps, each…

Digital Channels Jonathan Poland

Digital Channels

A digital channel is a means of distributing or selling products or services electronically, as opposed to through physical channels…

Decision Automation Jonathan Poland

Decision Automation

Decision automation refers to the use of technology to automate the process of making decisions. This can be done through…

Incident Management Jonathan Poland

Incident Management

Incident management is a process that involves the organization and coordination of efforts to address and resolve information technology incidents.…

Dispute Risk Jonathan Poland

Dispute Risk

Dispute risk refers to the potential for a disagreement or conflict to arise in a business context, resulting in negative…

What is Fandom? Jonathan Poland

What is Fandom?

Fandom refers to the subculture that develops around particular popular culture series or formats, such as films, television shows, characters,…