What is Fandom?

What is Fandom?

What is Fandom? Jonathan Poland

Fandom refers to the subculture that develops around particular popular culture series or formats, such as films, television shows, characters, games, music, or media formats like manga fiction. Fandom is characterized by the strong, passionate attachment that fans have to these pop culture elements, and can involve the development of shared experiences, vocabulary, traditions, and pastimes that resemble those of a subculture. Fandom often involves the creation of online communities or groups where fans can discuss and share their passion for the pop culture elements they love, and can also involve the creation of fan-generated content, such as fan fiction or fan art. Overall, fandom is a powerful force in popular culture, and can drive the success of a wide range of pop culture products and formats.


  • A set of shared experiences that cause fans of a particular element of pop culture to identify with each other as a social group.
  • A subculture that evolves around enthusiasm for a pop culture series or format.
  • Fans of a pop culture character, series, tradition or genre that form traditions, vocabulary, conventions and behaviors that resemble a subculture.

Examples of fandoms:

  1. Star Wars: A group of fans who are passionate about the Star Wars films, books, and other media, and who often engage in discussions, share fan-generated content, and participate in fan events and conventions.
  2. Harry Potter: A community of fans who are devoted to the Harry Potter books, films, and other media, and who often engage in discussions, share fan-generated content, and participate in fan events and conventions.
  3. Supernatural: A group of fans who are passionate about the Supernatural television show, and who often engage in discussions, share fan-generated content, and participate in fan events and conventions.
  4. The Walking Dead: A community of fans who are devoted to the Walking Dead television show, and who often engage in discussions, share fan-generated content, and participate in fan events and conventions.
  5. Pokémon: A group of fans who are passionate about the Pokémon video games, animated series, and other media, and who often engage in discussions, share fan-generated content, and participate in fan events and conventions.

These are just a few examples of the many different fandoms that exist within popular culture, and there are many more fandoms centered around other films, television shows, games, and other media formats. Fandoms are a powerful force in popular culture, and can drive the success of a wide range of products and formats.

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