Target Audience

Target Audience

Target Audience Jonathan Poland

A target audience refers to the specific group of individuals or consumers that a business or organization is trying to reach with its marketing and advertising efforts. Identifying and understanding the target audience is an important aspect of marketing strategy as it helps businesses to tailor their messaging and channels to effectively reach and engage their desired audience.

To identify a target audience, businesses typically conduct market research to gather data on the characteristics, behaviors, and needs of their potential customers. This may include demographic data such as age, gender, income, and education level, as well as psychographic data such as interests, values, and lifestyle.

Once the target audience has been identified, businesses can use this information to create marketing campaigns and messaging that is tailored to the specific needs and interests of the audience. This may include selecting appropriate media channels, creating targeted advertising and promotional content, and developing targeted offers and incentives.

By effectively targeting their marketing efforts, businesses can increase the chances of success for their campaigns and drive more conversions and sales. It is important for businesses to regularly review and update their target audience as consumer preferences and behaviors can change over time.

Overall, understanding and targeting a specific audience is a key aspect of successful marketing and advertising. By focusing on the specific needs and interests of their desired audience, businesses can create more effective and relevant marketing campaigns that drive better results. The following are common types of target audience.

Communications, media and entertainment with a large budget may target as broad an audience as possible. For example, a beverage company with a high market share may create ads that simply convey a positive feeling that is likely to have broad appeal.

Demographics such as a film intended to appeal to a particular age group.

Locations such as information about a festival aimed at residents of a neighborhood in Tokyo.

Subcultures are spontaneously formed groups that identify with a shared experience such as a music scene. In many cases, media and entertainment is targeted to a subculture.

Super Cultures
Super cultures are large groups that share elements of culture that span multiple nations such as classical music fans or sailing enthusiasts.

Information that targets a set of needs such as a video channel that helps people with common do-it-yourself home improvement projects.

Attitudes & Opinion
Target audiences based on how people feel about a particular topic. For example, a charity may seek communication channels that reach people who are concerned about an environmental problem.

Personality traits such as a movie for people with a certain sense of humor.

A lifestyle is how people spend their time. For example, an audio book collection that targets people who have a long commute and would like to use the time to improve knowledge and skills.

Communications aimed at fans of a media or entertainment series.

Messages targeting existing customers of a firm. For example, ads for upgrading to a premium version of a service.

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