Advertising Objectives

Advertising Objectives

Advertising Objectives Jonathan Poland

Advertising objectives are the specific goals that an advertising message or campaign aims to achieve. These objectives can be used to guide the creation of advertisements, determine the most appropriate target audience for the message, and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Advertising objectives are an important part of the planning process for any marketing campaign, as they help to focus the efforts of the advertiser and ensure that the message is delivered to the right audience in the most effective way possible.

Some common advertising objectives include increasing brand awareness, generating leads or sales, improving customer loyalty, and promoting a new product or service. By setting clear and measurable objectives, advertisers can more effectively craft their messages and track the success of their campaigns. The following are common types.

Directly sell something. For example, an ad that retargets a customer who was recently shopping for electronics on their site.

Demand Generation
Generate demand for an existing product without directly selling it with the ad.

Lead Generation
Identifying leads for your sales process.

Engage Target Market
Engage potential customers with information, entertainment and participation with your brand.

Engage Customers
Engage existing customers to improve loyalty and customer lifetime value.

Engaging Influencers
Engaging a group that have influence over your product. For example, a ice hockey brand that engages professional and semi-professional hockey players with free samples or a lead user program.

Advertising designed to persuade audiences about a topic or issue.

Building a positive reputation for a firm, brand or product in the eyes of stakeholders.

Advertising designed to inform customers about your products.

Market Research
Collecting information for purposes such as strategy and product development.

Brand Awareness
Increasing the number of customers who recognize your brand and associate it with a product category and qualities such as taste or durability.

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