Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence Jonathan Poland

Competitive intelligence is the process of collecting and analyzing information about competitors, markets, industries, products, and customers in order to gain a strategic advantage. This information is used to support decision-making and planning, and can help businesses identify potential threats and opportunities in their market. By understanding the strategies and actions of competitors, businesses can make informed decisions about their own products, pricing, and marketing efforts, and stay ahead of the competition.

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Advanced Economy Jonathan Poland

Advanced Economy

An advanced economy is a highly developed economic system that provides a high level of economic well-being and quality of…

Strategic Direction Jonathan Poland

Strategic Direction

Strategic direction refers to the long-term vision and direction of an organization, and it serves as a guiding principle for…

Operations Planning Jonathan Poland

Operations Planning

Operations planning involves identifying and implementing strategies and tactics to optimize the core processes and practices that enable a business…

Contract Awards Calendar 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Contract Awards Calendar

Governments around the world typically follow a structured and organized process for awarding contracts to suppliers, contractors, and service providers.…

Business Case for Selling B2G 150 150 Jonathan Poland

Business Case for Selling B2G

A hypothetical example of a business case where a company could potentially double its revenue by securing a specific government…

Cost Performance Index Jonathan Poland

Cost Performance Index

Cost Performance Index (CPI) is a project management metric that measures the efficiency of project cost management. It is calculated…

Infrastructure Risk Jonathan Poland

Infrastructure Risk

Infrastructure risk refers to the potential negative consequences that a business may face as a result of failures in core…

Continuous Production Jonathan Poland

Continuous Production

Continuous production is a method of manufacturing in which materials and parts are continuously processed and kept in motion or…

Brand Values Jonathan Poland

Brand Values

Brand values are the principles and beliefs that a brand stands for and that guide its actions. They reflect the…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Micromarketing Jonathan Poland


Micromarketing is a marketing strategy that involves targeting a small, highly specific group of customers with tailored products, prices, and…

Abstraction Jonathan Poland


Abstraction is a problem-solving technique that involves looking at a problem in general, rather than specific, terms. It involves using…

Deep Learning Jonathan Poland

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a type of machine learning that involves the use of artificial neural networks to learn and make…

Workload Automation Jonathan Poland

Workload Automation

Workload automation is the process of automating the execution of routine tasks and processes in a business environment. It involves…

Business Functions Jonathan Poland

Business Functions

Business functions are the activities that are essential to the operation and success of a business. These functions are typically…

Business Capability Jonathan Poland

Business Capability

A business capability is a broad term that refers to the things that a business is able to do or…

Customer Service Techniques Jonathan Poland

Customer Service Techniques

Customer service is any person-to-person exchange between a business and a customer. Developing successful customer service is essential for any…

Examples of Strategy Jonathan Poland

Examples of Strategy

A strategy is a long-term plan that an organization or individual develops to achieve a specific goal in a competitive…

Project Management Skills Jonathan Poland

Project Management Skills

Project management skills are a combination of talents, knowledge, and experience that enable an individual to effectively plan and execute…