Bliss Point

Bliss Point

Bliss Point Jonathan Poland

The concept of a “bliss point” refers to the amount of consumption of a particular good or service that maximizes a customer’s satisfaction. For example, the bliss point of ice cream might be one small bowl, while the bliss point for travel might be one trip per month.

Consuming more than one’s bliss point can lead to feelings of stress, dissatisfaction, or regret. The bliss point is not related to budget constraints, but rather to the individual’s specific needs and desires.

In terms of business strategy, understanding a customer’s bliss point can have implications for product design, customer experience, diversification, and pricing. By tailoring products and services to meet a customer’s bliss point, businesses can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Product Design

A restaurant that offers bliss point sized portions may have more satisfied customers. Calculating this size isn’t easy and varies by factors such as culture. Generally speaking, a light meal leaves customers feeling positive about a dining experience.

Customer Experience

Delivering to the bliss point and avoiding upselling to the point that the customer regrets their experience. For example, it may be a bad idea for a cafe to push customers to go for larger beverage sizes. Small muffins may be a better upsell item.


Firms looking to increase sales may need to diversify if they have captured a large market share. This is particularly true if their products have a low bliss point. For example, a customer only needs a few mobile devices and may upgrade infrequently. However, they may be willing to download media such as music and movies on a daily basis.


Customers may be willing to pay more for ice cream but may be unwilling to eat more. In some cases, goods that have a low bliss point lend themselves well to price discrimination. If something is a rare treat, some customers will be willing to pay for premium product versions.

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