Production Management

Production Management

Production Management Jonathan Poland

Production management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the production of goods or services. It involves coordinating the activities of the production process, including sourcing materials, scheduling work, and ensuring that quality standards are met.

Effective production management is critical for organizations looking to increase efficiency and productivity. There are several key principles of production management that can help organizations achieve these goals:

  1. Lean manufacturing: Lean manufacturing is a philosophy that focuses on maximizing value and minimizing waste. It involves streamlining processes, eliminating unnecessary steps, and using tools such as just-in-time production and continuous improvement to increase efficiency.
  2. Capacity planning: Capacity planning is the process of determining the amount of resources, such as labor and equipment, needed to meet demand. By accurately forecasting demand and aligning production capacity with it, organizations can avoid overproduction or underproduction.
  3. Quality control: Ensuring that products or services meet quality standards is an important aspect of production management. This can be achieved through the use of inspection and testing processes, as well as implementing quality management systems such as Six Sigma.
  4. Supply chain management: Managing the flow of materials and resources from suppliers to production to customers is critical for efficient production. This includes sourcing materials, managing inventory, and coordinating transportation and logistics.
  5. Resource allocation: Properly allocating resources, such as labor and equipment, can help ensure that they are used efficiently and effectively.

Overall, production management is a key aspect of organizational effectiveness. By implementing lean manufacturing principles, accurately forecasting demand, maintaining high quality standards, effectively managing the supply chain, and properly allocating resources, organizations can increase efficiency and productivity in their production processes.

Production Scheduling

Forecasting, planning and scheduling production processes.

Management Accounting

The numerical analysis of business processes. For example, a report designed to detect bottlenecks in a production line.

Production Budget

Planning and controlling the financial resources consumed by production processes.

Inventory Management

Management of inventory including inputs and outputs.

Quality Control

The process of detecting and correcting mistakes.

Quality Assurance

The end-to-end process of managing quality from materials to the customer. For example, a process that improves the design of a product that customers perceive as poor quality.


Eliminating waste to improve the efficiency of processes. In many cases, production processes are highly optimized to reduce wasted labor, capital, materials, energy and time.


Putting systems and machines in place to improve efficiency, quality or to meet other objectives such as safety.


Supervision of staff, labor relations, performance management and workplace health and safety.


Compliance to laws, regulations and standards.


Processes to reduce damage to the environment.

Product Development

Developing production processes for new products and services.

Sales & Operations Planning

Working with marketing teams to forecast demand and schedule production.


The process of order management and logistics to deliver products and services to customers.

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