Professional Skills

Professional Skills

Professional Skills Jonathan Poland

Professional skills are a combination of talents, abilities, knowledge, and character traits that are necessary for a person to be successful in their career. These skills can be acquired through education, training, and experience, and they are essential for achieving success in a given profession. Some examples of professional skills include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and time management. These skills are valuable to employers and can help individuals advance in their careers. The following are examples of professional skills.

Hard Skills

Hard skills are specific, technical abilities that are easily quantifiable and can be learned through education or training. These skills are typically associated with a particular profession or industry, and they are necessary for performing specific tasks or duties. Examples of hard skills include proficiency in a foreign language, expertise in a particular software program, or the ability to perform complex mathematical calculations. Hard skills are often contrasted with soft skills, which are more general, interpersonal abilities that are difficult to measure and develop over time.

Accounting Administration
Analytics Asset Management
Benchmarking Budgets
Business Analysis Business Cases
Business Development Business Planning
Change Management Closing Sales
Coding Customer Service
Data Analysis Data Science
Design Digital Marketing
Entrepreneurship Feasibility Analysis
Financial Management Forecasting
Gap Analysis Industry Knowledge
Information Security Internal Controls
Knowledge Management Language Proficiency
Logistics Market Research
Marketing Marketing Automation

Mathematics Media Skills
Metrics & Reporting Operations
Operations Management Performance Management
Process Improvement Project Management
Public Relations Quality Assurance
Quality Control Recruiting
Requirements Gathering Risk Management
Stakeholder Management Statistics
Strategic Planning Teaching & Training
Team Building Team Management
Technical Skills Technology Analysis
Technology Operations

Soft Skills

Soft skills are personal qualities, attitudes, and behaviors that are essential for success in the workplace. Unlike hard skills, which are specific, technical abilities that can be learned through education or training, soft skills are more general and difficult to measure. Examples of soft skills include communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and time management. These skills are valuable to employers because they can help employees adapt to a wide range of roles and tasks, and they can increase productivity and efficiency in the workplace. While it is easy to list soft skills on a resume, it is often difficult to prove that you possess these skills during an interview. However, if you can demonstrate your soft skills effectively, this can greatly improve your chances of getting hired.

Attention to Detail Business Acumen
Candor Coaching & Mentoring
Collaboration Consensus Building
Constructive Criticism Creativity
Decision Making Diligence
Emotional Intelligence Feedback
Flexibility Friendliness
Handling Criticism Influencing
Leadership Managing Expectations
Negotiation Openness
Organizational Skills Personal Resilience
Planning Prioritization
Problem Solving Professionalism
Public Speaking Relationship Building
Scheduling Self-Direction
Setting Expectations Storytelling
Time Management Verbal Communication
Visual Communication Work Ethic
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