Razor and Blades

Razor and Blades

Razor and Blades Jonathan Poland

The razor and blades model, also known as the bait and hook model, is a business strategy that involves selling a product or service at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of supplies or accessories that are required to use the product or service. The idea behind this model is that the initial product, such as a razor or printer, can be sold cheaply in order to attract customers, while the supplies, such as razor blades or ink cartridges, can be sold at a higher price.

The razor and blades model is often used in industries where supplies are highly specialized and customers are reliant on the original product in order to use them. For example, a printer manufacturer may sell printers at a low price, but make profits from the sale of ink cartridges that are specifically designed to work with their printers. This model can be effective when there are high barriers to entry and when customers are unable or unwilling to switch to alternative products. However, it can also raise concerns about competition and pricing practices.

Here are some examples:

  1. Printer and ink cartridges: Printer manufacturers sell printers at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of ink cartridges that are specifically designed to work with their printers.
  2. Razor and razor blades: Razor manufacturers sell razors at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of razor blades that are specifically designed to work with their razors.
  3. Gaming console and video games: Gaming console manufacturers sell consoles at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of video games that are specifically designed to work with their consoles.
  4. Mobile phone and phone service: Mobile phone manufacturers sell phones at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of phone service plans that are specifically designed to work with their phones.
  5. E-reader and e-books: E-reader manufacturers sell e-readers at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of e-books that are specifically designed to be read on their e-readers.
  6. Digital music player and digital music: Digital music player manufacturers sell players at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of digital music that is specifically designed to be played on their players.
  7. Toothbrush and toothbrush heads: Toothbrush manufacturers sell toothbrushes at a low price or at a loss, with the goal of making profits from the sale of toothbrush heads that are specifically designed to work with their toothbrushes.
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