Selling points are the key features or benefits of a product that make it attractive to potential customers. These selling points are typically highlighted in marketing and product information, such as packaging, advertising, and online landing pages, to help customers understand why they should choose the product over its competitors. Ideally, selling points identify some unique advantage or value that the product offers that cannot be matched by its competition. Alternatively, they may associate the product with an idea, identity, emotion, or tradition that makes it stand out in the crowded and competitive market. By effectively communicating their selling points, organizations can increase the attractiveness of their product and improve their chances of making sales.
- Ambition & Self-Fulfillment
- Appeal to Authority
- Appeal to Emotion
- Appeal to Logic
- Attention to Detail
- Balance / Moderation
- Bigness (e.g. bank with many branches)
- Brand Culture (i.e. the social environment surrounding product)
- Capabilities
- Challenging the Status Quo
- Comfort
- Compatibility / Interoperability
- Competence & Experience
- Comprehensiveness
- Consistency
- Control (e.g. options and configurability)
- Convenience
- Countersignaling (i.e. self-criticism that communicates strength)
- Craftsmanship
- Culture
- Customization / Personalization
- Design Philosophy (e.g. minimalism)
- Determination / Perseverance
- Diligent Service
- Doing Good
- Down-to-Earth / Relaxed
- Durability
- Emotional Experiences
- Epic Experience
- Fair Terms
- Family Friendly
- Figure of Merit
- Financial Results / Rewards / Benefits
- Fit & Tailoring
- Freedom & Flexibility
- Freshness
- Friendly Service
- Fun
- Functions & Features
- Getting Things Done / Making Things Happen
- Global Presence & Capabilities
- Growth & Development
- Guarantees
- Health & Wellness
- History / Heritage
- Honesty
- Human Attention (e.g. not automated)
- Humble Beginnings (i.e. a success story)
- Identity (e.g. school / team colors)
- Imaginative
- Independence / Thinking Different
- Information & Data
- Ingredients
- Inventiveness / Cutting Edge Technology
- Justice & Fairness
- Know-how & Knowledge
- Lifestyle
- Local
- Luxury
- Maintainability
- Market Share / Popularity
- Materials
- Natural
- Nostalgic & Sentimentality
- Novelty Optimism
- Packaging Quality
- Partnerships & Connections
- People & Planet
- Performance
- Place of Manufacture / Design
- Pragmatism
- Price / Pricing Model
- Productivity & Efficiency
- Professionalism
- Progressiveness / Changing the World
- Quality of Life
- Realism
- Refinement & Mastery
- Relatability (we’re just like you)
- Relationships & Commitment
- Reliability
- Reputation & Legacy
- Results
- Reusability
- Risk Reduction
- Safety & Security
- Scientific Prowess
- Smallness (e.g. Family Business)
- Social Connectedness
- Social Environment
- Social Proof
- Social Status
- Solving a Problem
- Speed
- Standards Compliance
- Straightforward / Simple
- Style & Aesthetics
- Support Taste
- Technical Prowess
- Total Cost of Ownership
- Toughness
- Traditional / Old Fashioned
- Treating Customer as Individual
- Turnaround Time
- Usability
- Value For Price
- Variety / Selection
- Vision / Exciting Future