Terms + Topics
Restructuring Jonathan Poland


Restructuring is the process of reorganizing or reshaping an organization in order to improve its efficiency, effectiveness, or competitiveness. It…

Environmental Issues Jonathan Poland

Environmental Issues

Human activities have caused many environmental problems that are harmful to ecosystems, quality of life, and health. These issues have…

Leadership Development Jonathan Poland

Leadership Development

Leadership development is the process of helping employees develop the necessary skills and competencies to take on leadership roles within…

Procurement Jonathan Poland


Procurement is the process of acquiring goods or services from external vendors or suppliers. It is an essential part of…

Fixed Costs Jonathan Poland

Fixed Costs

Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant regardless of changes in a company’s level of production or sales. These costs…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Ideation Jonathan Poland


Ideation is the process of generating ideas and solutions to problems. It is a crucial step in the creative process,…

Flat Pricing Jonathan Poland

Flat Pricing

Flat pricing is a pricing strategy in which a fixed price is offered to all customers for a product or…

Competitive Factors Jonathan Poland

Competitive Factors

Competitive factors are external forces that impact a business’s strategy. They can be identified in any competitive situation. SWOT and…

Infrastructure Risk Jonathan Poland

Infrastructure Risk

Infrastructure risk refers to the potential negative consequences that a business may face as a result of failures in core…

Recruiting Jonathan Poland


Recruiting refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified candidates for employment. This process is essential for any…

Rites of Passage Jonathan Poland

Rites of Passage

A rite of passage is a ceremony or event that marks an important transition or milestone in a person’s life.…

Positive Risk Jonathan Poland

Positive Risk

Positive risk refers to the potential for achieving an outcome that is too good. While risk is often associated with…

What is Moral Hazard? Jonathan Poland

What is Moral Hazard?

Moral hazard is a term used in economics to describe a situation in which one party has less incentive to…

Information Advantage Jonathan Poland

Information Advantage

A unique knowledge that provides a competitive edge in a specific situation is known as an information advantage. This advantage…