Terms + Topics
Network Infrastructure Jonathan Poland

Network Infrastructure

Network infrastructure refers to the hardware and software components that are used to build and support a computer network. It…

Business Relationships Jonathan Poland

Business Relationships

Business relationships are the connections, interactions, and communications between a company and its stakeholders. These relationships can have value for…

Channel Pricing Jonathan Poland

Channel Pricing

Channel pricing refers to the practice of setting different prices for a product or service depending on the sales channel…

Law of Supply and Demand Jonathan Poland

Law of Supply and Demand

The Law of Supply and Demand is one of the fundamental principles of economics. It states that the quantity of…

Price Sensitivity Jonathan Poland

Price Sensitivity

Price sensitivity is a measure of how much the demand for a product or service decreases as the price increases.…

What are Tactics? Jonathan Poland

What are Tactics?

Tactics are short-term, immediate strategies that are designed to respond to fast-changing realities and situations. They are focused on taking…

Acceptable Risk Jonathan Poland

Acceptable Risk

An acceptable risk is a level of risk that is deemed to be tolerable for an individual, organization, community, or…

Workplace Issues Jonathan Poland

Workplace Issues

Workplace issues can negatively impact employee satisfaction and organizational performance. These issues often arise from cultural and systemic problems, and…

Competitive Factors Jonathan Poland

Competitive Factors

Competitive factors are external forces that impact a business’s strategy. They can be identified in any competitive situation. SWOT and…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Media Infrastructure Jonathan Poland

Media Infrastructure

Media infrastructure refers to the technologies, services, facilities, and outlets that are essential for the communication of information, opinions, and…

Small Business Jonathan Poland

Small Business

A small business is a privately owned and operated company with a small number of employees and relatively low volume…

Advertising Strategies Jonathan Poland

Advertising Strategies

Advertising involves paying to disseminate a message or promote a product or service to a public audience through various media…

Business Decisions Jonathan Poland

Business Decisions

A business decision is a commitment made by a company, team, or individual employee to a specific course of action.…

Lifetime Customer Value Jonathan Poland

Lifetime Customer Value

Lifetime customer value (LCV) is a measure of the total value that a customer will bring to a business over…

Continuous Improvement Jonathan Poland

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is a systematic approach to improving products, services, and processes over time. It involves a cycle of planning,…

Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Poland

Chief Executive Officer

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the top administrator of an organization, responsible for its overall performance. The CEO typically…

Organizational Structure Jonathan Poland

Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the formal systems that define how an organization is governed, directed, operated, and controlled. It is…

Customer Avatar Jonathan Poland

Customer Avatar

A customer avatar, also known as an ideal customer profile, is a detailed description of the specific type of customer…