

Bankability Jonathan Poland

Bankability is a term used to describe the ability of a project or venture to secure financing from a lender or investor. Bankability is an important consideration for businesses and organizations seeking funding, as it determines whether or not a project is considered a viable investment.

There are several factors that contribute to a project’s bankability, including:

  1. Feasibility: The feasibility of a project refers to its ability to be successfully implemented and completed. Lenders and investors will typically want to see that a project is realistic and that it has a high probability of success.
  2. Market demand: The market demand for the goods or services that a project will produce is an important consideration for lenders and investors. They will want to see that there is a strong demand for the project’s output, as this helps to ensure that the project will generate sufficient revenue to pay back the loan or investment.
  3. Financial viability: The financial viability of a project refers to its ability to generate sufficient revenue to pay back the loan or investment and generate a return on investment. Lenders and investors will typically want to see a detailed financial plan that demonstrates the project’s ability to generate sufficient revenue to cover its costs and generate a profit.
  4. Management team: The quality and experience of the management team responsible for implementing the project is an important consideration for lenders and investors. They will want to see that the team
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Sales Promotion Jonathan Poland

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion refers to the use of various incentives and discounts to encourage customers to make a purchase. These promotions…

Pricing Strategy Jonathan Poland

Pricing Strategy

Pricing strategy is the process of determining the right price for a product or service based on market conditions, business…

Ground Rules Jonathan Poland

Ground Rules

Ground rules are rules or guidelines that are established at the beginning of a meeting, activity, or other situation to…

Life Skills Jonathan Poland

Life Skills

Life skills are essential abilities that enable individuals to navigate the complexities of daily life and achieve their goals. These…

Quality Goals Jonathan Poland

Quality Goals

Quality goals are specific targets that are set to improve the quality of a product, service, or process. They are…

Performance Improvement Plan Jonathan Poland

Performance Improvement Plan

A performance improvement plan (PIP) is a formal document that outlines specific goals and objectives that are assigned to an…

Algorithmic Pricing Jonathan Poland

Algorithmic Pricing

Algorithmic pricing involves using automation to set prices dynamically based on a variety of factors, such as customer behavior, market…

Marketing Theories Jonathan Poland

Marketing Theories

Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This involves conducting market research,…

Soft Skills Jonathan Poland

Soft Skills

Soft skills are a broad and diverse set of abilities that are essential for success in many areas of life,…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Sales Data Jonathan Poland

Sales Data

Sales data is a type of business intelligence that provides information about the performance of a company’s sales activities. This…

What’s a GSA Contract? 150 150 Jonathan Poland

What’s a GSA Contract?

A GSA (General Services Administration) Contract, also known as a GSA Schedule or a Federal Supply Schedule, is a long-term,…

Gap Analysis Jonathan Poland

Gap Analysis

A gap analysis is a method used to determine the distance between an organization’s current state and its desired future…

Strategy 101 Jonathan Poland

Strategy 101

Business strategy is the set of actions and decisions that a business takes in order to achieve its goals and…

Business Management Jonathan Poland

Business Management

Business management is the process of overseeing and running a business or organization. This involves a wide range of activities,…

Algorithms Jonathan Poland


An algorithm is a set of instructions or rules that are followed to solve a problem or accomplish a task.…

Advanced Economy Jonathan Poland

Advanced Economy

An advanced economy is a highly developed economic system that provides a high level of economic well-being and quality of…

Life Skills Jonathan Poland

Life Skills

Life skills are essential abilities that enable individuals to navigate the complexities of daily life and achieve their goals. These…

Customer Analysis Jonathan Poland

Customer Analysis

Customer analysis involves systematically examining and understanding the characteristics, needs, motivations, and decision-making processes of a target market. This process…