

Bankability Jonathan Poland

Bankability is a term used to describe the ability of a project or venture to secure financing from a lender or investor. Bankability is an important consideration for businesses and organizations seeking funding, as it determines whether or not a project is considered a viable investment.

There are several factors that contribute to a project’s bankability, including:

  1. Feasibility: The feasibility of a project refers to its ability to be successfully implemented and completed. Lenders and investors will typically want to see that a project is realistic and that it has a high probability of success.
  2. Market demand: The market demand for the goods or services that a project will produce is an important consideration for lenders and investors. They will want to see that there is a strong demand for the project’s output, as this helps to ensure that the project will generate sufficient revenue to pay back the loan or investment.
  3. Financial viability: The financial viability of a project refers to its ability to generate sufficient revenue to pay back the loan or investment and generate a return on investment. Lenders and investors will typically want to see a detailed financial plan that demonstrates the project’s ability to generate sufficient revenue to cover its costs and generate a profit.
  4. Management team: The quality and experience of the management team responsible for implementing the project is an important consideration for lenders and investors. They will want to see that the team
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Analytical Skills Jonathan Poland

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are the abilities, knowledge, and experience related to the gathering, processing, organizing, and interpreting of information. These skills…

Customer Satisfaction Jonathan Poland

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the practice of measuring how happy customers are with a brand’s products and services. This is typically…

Curiosity Drive Jonathan Poland

Curiosity Drive

Curiosity drive, or the desire to obtain new information, is a fundamental human motivation that drives learning and exploration. In…

Operations Planning Jonathan Poland

Operations Planning

Operations planning involves identifying and implementing strategies and tactics to optimize the core processes and practices that enable a business…

Risk Exposure Jonathan Poland

Risk Exposure

Risk exposure refers to the potential costs that an organization could incur as a result of a particular risk or…

Market Development Jonathan Poland

Market Development

Market development is the process of entering new markets to expand revenue and reduce concentration risk. It involves identifying and…

Brand Analysis Jonathan Poland

Brand Analysis

Brand analysis is the process of systematically and thoroughly examining a brand in order to develop strategies, plans, evaluations, metrics,…

Types of Raw Materials Jonathan Poland

Types of Raw Materials

A raw material is a basic and unprocessed resource that is used as an input in the production of goods…

Prototyping Jonathan Poland


A prototype is a preliminary version of something that is used to test and refine an idea, design, process, technology,…

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business, finance, and capital markets.

Product Demand Jonathan Poland

Product Demand

Product demand refers to the desire or need for a particular product or service in the market. It is a…

Capital Improvements Jonathan Poland

Capital Improvements

Capital improvements are investments in new assets or the improvement of existing assets that are intended to provide a long-term…

Design-Driven Development Jonathan Poland

Design-Driven Development

Design-driven development is a product development approach that places a strong emphasis on design, with a focus on form, function,…

Contingency Planning Jonathan Poland

Contingency Planning

Contingency planning is a risk management strategy that involves developing alternative plans or strategies in case the primary plan is…

Design Quality Jonathan Poland

Design Quality

Design quality refers to the value that a design holds for customers. It is a critical factor in the success…

The Importance of Lobbying 150 150 Jonathan Poland

The Importance of Lobbying

Lobbying is the act of influencing or attempting to influence the decisions of government officials, legislators, or regulators on behalf…

Efficiency Jonathan Poland


Efficiency is a measure of how well resources are used to produce goods and services. It is typically calculated by…

What is Integrity? Jonathan Poland

What is Integrity?

Integrity is a concept that refers to the adherence to moral and ethical principles, as well as the consistency between…

Tribes Jonathan Poland


Tribes are groups of people who self-organize around common interests, values, communities, professions, needs, or aspirations. The concept of tribes…