Design to Logistics

Design to Logistics

Design to Logistics Jonathan Poland

Design for logistics involves designing products with the entire supply chain in mind, including manufacturing, packaging, shipping, warehousing, merchandising, and repackaging for returns. This approach takes into consideration a range of factors, including cost efficiency, environmental impact, security, and marketing. By designing products with logistics in mind, companies can optimize their supply chain processes and reduce costs, while also considering the impact of their products on the environment and the needs of their customers. The following are common examples.

Producing an entire furniture line from the same wood and standard parts in order to simplify planning, manufacturing and supply chain.

Flat Packs
Designing products to fit efficiently into a rectangular box.

Designing products to fit in boxes that fit efficiently into standard shipping containers.

Products designed to fit on shelves or look attractive in a fixed size display unit.

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Advertising Strategies

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Cognitive Abilities Jonathan Poland

Cognitive Abilities

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Technology Ethics Jonathan Poland

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Sales Promotion Jonathan Poland

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion refers to the use of various incentives and discounts to encourage customers to make a purchase. These promotions…

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Demand Risk Jonathan Poland

Demand Risk

Demand risk refers to the possibility of experiencing financial loss or other negative consequences due to a discrepancy between the…

Microtransactions Jonathan Poland


Microtransactions is a large scale industry that is becoming a dominant business for certain types of companies. They are small…

Marketing Channel Jonathan Poland

Marketing Channel

The total combined industries of consumer goods and services.

Sales Tactics Jonathan Poland

Sales Tactics

Sales tactics are specific strategies or approaches that salespeople use to persuade customers to buy a product or service. Sales…

Corporate Identity Jonathan Poland

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity is the visual representation of a company’s brand and values. It includes elements such as a company’s logo,…

Brand Awareness Jonathan Poland

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers are familiar with and able to recognize a brand. It is…

Legal Risk Jonathan Poland

Legal Risk

Legal risk is the risk of financial loss or other negative consequences that may arise from legal action or non-compliance…

Marketing Experimentation Jonathan Poland

Marketing Experimentation

Marketing experimentation involves making changes to various aspects of a company’s marketing efforts, such as its products, prices, promotional strategies,…

Experience Goods Jonathan Poland

Experience Goods

Experience goods are products or services that are consumed through an experiential or participatory process. They are characterized by their…