Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch Jonathan Poland

An elevator pitch is a brief, persuasive speech that is used to quickly and simply explain an idea or concept. It is typically used in business settings to help sell a product or service, or to persuade potential investors to support a business venture. The name “elevator pitch” comes from the idea that it should be possible to deliver the pitch in the time it takes to ride an elevator, or about 30 seconds to a minute. The goal of an elevator pitch is to quickly and effectively communicate the key features and benefits of an idea or product in a way that will spark the listener’s interest and leave them wanting to learn more.

Here is an example of an elevator pitch:

“Hello, my name is John and I am the founder of XYZ company. We have developed a new type of eco-friendly water bottle that is made from 100% recycled plastic. Our bottles are durable, reusable, and BPA-free, making them a more sustainable alternative to traditional single-use plastic water bottles. We have already gained a loyal following among outdoor enthusiasts and are looking to expand into the fitness and wellness markets. If you are interested in learning more about our product, please visit our website at xyzcompany.com or contact us to schedule a meeting.”

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